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Westdahl Peak description and information

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From Miller and others (1998): "Westdahl Peak, including nearby Faris Peak and Pogromni volcano, is located on a gently sloping plateau (mean elevation 1220 m) that may represent the surface of a truncated ancestral cone. Westdahl Peak is about 18 km in diameter at the base.

"The size of the postulated ancestral cone is about 19 x 30 km at sea level, making it one of the largest volcanoes in the Aleutian Islands be it a stratovolcano or a shield. The entire ancestral cone has been extensively dissected by erosion, with the northeast-facing slopes steeper and of greater relief than the other slopes.

"Based on the degree of erosional dissection, most of the postulated stratovolcano must have formed before early post-glacial time. Pogromni Volcano is moderately dissected and has broad valleys that have probably been glacially eroded. Such glacial erosion could have occurred during neoglaciation beginning about 3000 years ago (Black, 1974, table 1), although one or two thousand years seem inadequate to account for the degree of dissection. Pogromni volcano was probably active by latest Pleistocene time, which implies that truncation of the ancestral stratovolcano must have occurred earlier."

Official Name: Westdahl Peak
Type:Shield volcano
Most Recent Activity:November 29, 1991
Seismically Monitored: Yes
Color Code:GREEN
Alert Level:NORMAL
Elevation: 5118 ft (1560 m)
Latitude: 54.5171° N
Longitude:164.6476° W
CAVW Number:1101-34-
Pronunciation: Sound file
Synonyms:Westdahl volcano
Westdahl Peak
URL: www.avo.alaska.edu/volcanoes/volcinfo.php
Page modified: June 4, 2012 14:33
Contact Information: AVO Web Team

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