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Overview of Research Program

Research Staff

Research Activity Panel (RAP)

Monitoring and SIMoN

Site Characterization

Natural Resources

Davidson Seamount

Maritime Heritage

Research Platforms

Sanctuary Currents Symposium

Regional Marine Research Institutions

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  Natural Resources of the Sanctuary  




The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary features many diverse biological communities and habitats, including kelp forests, beaches, and one of the deepest underwater canyons in North America. An abundance of life, from tiny plankton to huge blue whales, thrives in these waters.

These links lead to MBNMS publications and web resources that describe the organisms and habitats of the Sanctuary:

National Marine Sanctuaries | National Ocean Service | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce | NOAA Library

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This page last modified on: 08/29/12
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