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Diane Black - Washington, DC

Diane Black
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  1. DID YOU KNOW: Obamacare is forcing businesses like Hobby Lobby to choose between millions of dollars in fines and violating their deeply-held religious beliefs. SHARE & "LIKE" this post if you want the federal government to stop its assault on religious freedom!
  2. Recent Posts by Others on Diane BlackSee All
    • Robert Cormick
      Why does Rep. Marsha Blackburn want to cut off support to LGBT kids and end up causing more teen suicides? Doesn't she know that over 50% of kids who commit suicide do it because of sexual orientation challenges. Is she just another republican that doesn't care about the average person? She proposed a bill to cut funding for Planned Parenthood. She's just another republican who wants to use hate to promote her bias agenda. Planned Parenthood helps giving counseling to kids who can't go any where else and who are questioning their own sexuality and who may contemplate suicide over their sexuality. But like many republicans all they want to do is report that Planned Parenthood helps counsel people on abortions, as well as counseling services for LGBT kids. Rep Blackburn, why don't you start adopting all the kids who are abused and unwanted and in the states care because they weren't wanted in the first place? Or born to people that shouldn't have had children in the first place? Now don't stop support to those who need it because of your hateful actions! Is Rep Black any different from Rep Blackburn? NOT TO ME!
      about an hour ago
    • Rep. Black: Is there anything we can do to stop the sale of E-15 gasoline here in TN? It's being reported that it's extremely corrosive to newer vehicles and, as a result, manufacturers are now voiding some of the vehicle warranties if the damage is caused by this fuel. WHY IS THE EPA PUSHING THIS SINCE IT CAUSES DAMAGE TO VEHICLES? http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2013/01/e15-gas-approved-by-epa-slammed-by-aaa-carmakers-will-not-honor-warranties-2551832.html
      1 · 4 hours ago
    • Today all over my fb , are articles about Executive Order on taking Guns from American Citizens. What is your position, and the Congress, on this issue? The people in your district are asking questions. I don't know how to answer? I am asking that you make a public statement. Thank you...
      5 hours ago
    • TEAM: T ogether E veryone A chives M ore !!!!!! The Congress needs to stand together. Keep your differences behind closed doors. Fiscal Cliff: I was unhappy to hear that in the deal for the Fiscal Cliff, we okayed spending to corporations etc. The deal should have been just TAX REFORM. NO MORE SPENDING MUST BE APPROVED, CUTS, CUTS, get ride of PORK SPENDING
      6 hours ago
  3. Life News: "Representative Diane Black, a Tennessee Republican, said, Planned Parenthood’s annual report, showing the organization had provided a record number of abortions during fiscal year 2011-2012, indicates her bill to de-fund it needs to be approved by the House of Representatives." "LIKE" & SHARE this post if you want to stop federal funding for Planned Parenthood and all abortion providers.
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  5. Last year, as Planned Parenthood’s federal funds reached an all time high, so too did the number of abortions it provided, while its real health services for women continues to decline. Their annual report underscores the pressing need to cut off all federal funding for Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America. Abortions make up 92 percent of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy services, while prenatal care and adoption referrals account for less than 8 percent.... As a nurse for more than 40 years, I am fully committed to protecting life and know firsthand about the importance of access to women’s health services. Planned Parenthood’s blatant misuse of taxpayer dollars to fund its big abortion business is an attack on life and women’s health. It must be stopped. Last week, I re-introduced former Congressman Mike Pence’s (IN) legislation the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act (H.R. 217) which ensures that Title X family planning grants are used for their intended purpose and are prohibited from being used by Planned Parenthood or any other organization that provides abortions.See More
  6. Today, I lead a group of 23 House members, including Republican Study Committee Chairman Steve Scalise (R-LA), Pro-Life Caucus Co-Chairman Chris Smith (R-NJ), Value Action Team Co-Chairmen Joe Pitts and John Fleming and many others in introducing the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act.

    As a nurse for more than 40 years, I have spent my career protecting the sanctity of life. I am proud to continue fighting for the rights of the unborn by introducing this important le...gislation that ensures no federal funds are used for the promotion or performance of abortions. By clarifying the original intent and spirit of the law, Title X federally funded grants will no longer be awarded to Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the United States, or any other organization that abuses their privileges as health care providers and fails to protect life by providing abortions. LIKE & SHARE this post if you believe that it is long past time for Congress to respect the will of the American people and stop taxpayer funded abortions – a heinous abuse of the law and destruction of innocent life.See More
  7. Today, I was sworn in to the U.S. House of Representatives to serve the people of Tennessee’s 6th Congressional District in the 113th Congress. I am humbled and honored by this opportunity to serve and grateful to my constituents for entrusting me with this important responsibility. America is at a crossroads. We cannot kick the can down the road. Unsustainable levels of debt and unfunded liabilit...ies are undermining our recovery and threatening our nation’s future. I believe in a more prosperous America, free of debt and filled with opportunities. That is why I will continue to fight tooth and nail for spending cuts, entitlement reform, and a flatter, fairer and simpler tax code. For the sake of our children and their future, this is a fight we can and must win.See More
  8. I will be on CNBC's "Power Lunch" today at 12:30pm CT / 1:30pm ET to talk about America's looming debt crisis and the need to cut spending and reform entitlements. Tune in if you can!
  9. Below is my statement explaining why I voted against the fiscal cliff deal crafted by the Senate:

    “The Senate’s last minute so-called fiscal cliff deal cobbled together behind closed doors sadly underscores much of what is wrong in Washington. This deal completely disregards the root of our fiscal problem: out of control spending. While I strongly support the permanent extension of middle class tax relief, this legislation unfortunately allows taxes to go up on many familie...s and small businesses and kicks the can down the road on deficit reduction. Ultimately, the bad outweighs the good, and therefore, I could not in good conscience vote for a deal that fails to address America’s crippling levels of debt – the single biggest threat to our way of life and the future prosperity and stability of our nation. The legislation is so unserious about solving our fiscal challenges that it not only delays the across-the-board sequester cuts, but it also includes outrageous special interest carve outs for Hollywood, NASCAR, rum producers, and algae growers.

    “While the Senate waited until 2am on New Year’s Day to take action on the fiscal cliff, the House already passed legislation several months ago that would stop the income tax hikes for all Americans and replaced the defense sequester with responsible cuts and reforms. With my support, the House has also passed $6 trillion in spending cuts, entitlement reforms, and a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. In contrast, the President and the Democrat leaders in the Senate have spent their time demanding job-killing tax hikes, objecting to common sense fiscal restraint, and shirking from their legal responsibility to pass an annual budget."
    See More
  10. '"The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.'" Luke 2:10-11

    Eternally grateful for the greatest gift of all. Joy to the world, the Christ is born! Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!!
  11. Are you subscribed to my e-newsletter? If not, you should sign up today on my website: 1.usa.gov/gKcLyA It's a great way to get updates on my work in Washington and Tennessee.
  12. Friends, please SHARE this post if you want the President to stop the rhetoric and cut spending!
    Photo: Friends, please SHARE this post if you want the President to stop the rhetoric and cut spending!
  13. 12 days until we reach the fiscal cliff! I talked with Lou Dobbs last night on Fox Business about what needs to be done to avert the fiscal cliff. While the President slow-walks America to the edge of the fiscal cliff, we must continue to do everything we can to protect American families, our economy, and our national security. SHARE & "LIKE" this post if you want Congress and the President to stop the tax hike and cut spending!

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