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"Desert Cats"
1-3 Brigade Special Troops Battalion

If you go to the 1-3 BSTB page, there are tabs up top that you can click on, one will say “history.” Have your contact put this for the unit history, please:

The 1-3 Brigade Special Troops Battalion, formed in April 2004, was the first unit to begin transformation to the Army's new modular concept. The Brigade Special Troops Battalion consists of the Headquarters and Headquarters Company from the former 11th Engineer Battalion, a Joint Network Node (JNN) Signal Company from the former 123rd Signal Battalion, a Military Intelligence Company from the former 103rd Military Intelligence Battalion, and a Military Police Platoon from the former 3rd Military Police Company. In April 2011, the battalion continued its transformation with the addition of a Combat Engineer Company.

The 1-3 Brigade Special Troops Battalion has deployed multiple times in support of campaigns overseas.

In January of 2005, the 1-3 Brigade Special Troops Battalion Desert Cats deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom III, spending a year supporting the 42nd Infantry Division and the 101st Airborne with communications, military intelligence, military police and detention operations, and serving as the main reconstruction effort for the entire Salah ad Din Province.

In January 2007, the Desert Cats deployed to Ramadi, Iraq for 15 months in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom V, conducting combat counterinsurgency operations in the brigade's area of operation. Missions ranged from providing 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division communications capabilities over the entire area of operations, intelligence support, internal security for Camp Ramadi and Al Mashura, and engineering assets and explosive ordinance device (EOD) security and support. The Desert Cats were responsible for Mayoral support to a coalition camp of over 12,000 Soldiers, base defense operations cell activities, and signal support to Camp Ramadi. They also flew over 3000 hours of UAV missions.

Immediately after their return from OIF V, the Battalion began an accelerated refit and reset program. They assumed a one-year mission as a constant Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and High Yield Explosive (CBRNE) Consequence Management Response Force (CCMRF) on 1 October 2008 with the rest of the 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team.

In December 2009, the Desert Cats deployed to Baghdad, Iraq, spending a year there in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom 10-11 and Operation New Dawn. The unit distinguished itself while conducting its developing mission of force protection, route clearance, combat service and service support for Brigade full spectrum operations, and limited partnership by, with and through select Iraqi Security Forces in order to protect and sustain the Brigade. Major accomplishments included providing life support and protection for Forward Operating Base Falcon, conducting route clearance missions to ensure the safety of troops as they maneuvered over vast areas of Baghdad, establishing a network of communications architecture operating across Baghdad Province, and providing intelligence support through the Battalion’s fusion cell, analysts, Human Intelligence Collection Teams, and tactical unmanned aerial systems.

The Desert Cats redeployed back to the United States from Iraq in December 2010 and continue to distinguish themselves through their dedication and determination to accomplish every task and mission at hand.