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2012 Texas Juvenile Justice Summit

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John Kinsey posted on Tue, Feb 28 2012 12:33 PM

The 2nd Annual Texas Juvenile Justice Summit will take place in Austin, Texas, June 25 to June 29, 2012. There will be national speakers such as Shay Bilchik former Director of the OJJDP to talk about collaboration and Dr. Linda Dahlberg from the CDC to talk about Violence Prevention. There are also state level speakers representing both academics and  those working in the field.  There is a wide aray of topics covered to include Human Trafficking, Trauma Informed Prevention, Understanding Female Responsive Priniciples and Practice, Ethics in Public Service, Emergency Preparedness, Law Enforcement and Social Networking, Occult Practices and Educating the At-Risk. A special feature for this conference is a PREA Panel of staff from both Oregon and Texas to discuss the upcoming PREA Standards, the PREA Resource Group and the "ToolKit," for PREA. If you have any questions please go to the Texas Juvenile Justice department website or contact John Kinsey at or Ellie Hernandez at

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