News / Asia

Pentagon Warns US Troops Could Face More IEDs During Withdrawal

An Improvised Explosive Device (IED) used by the Taliban is displayed during a lesson on identifying IEDs for Afghan policemen conducted by U.S. army soldiers at Camp Nathan Smith in Kandahar, southern Afghanistan, October 15, 2012.
An Improvised Explosive Device (IED) used by the Taliban is displayed during a lesson on identifying IEDs for Afghan policemen conducted by U.S. army soldiers at Camp Nathan Smith in Kandahar, southern Afghanistan, October 15, 2012.
Luis Ramirez

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by: JKF from: Ottawa, Canada
December 14, 2012 12:27 AM
No question that IED cause a terrible toll. From the pictures I have seen, most of the incidents appear to occur near/at populated areas. An in depth analysis of the incident locations may help in determining the likely/prevelant locations/ area types, that are likely to be used for IED planting, Such areas need enhanced surveillance, drones, wireless micro cameras, hiring locals to monitor/report, and offering rewards for the IEDs. It is my understanding that the terrorists pay locals to plant the IEDs, maybe a bounty on IEDs may help reveal some of them. Surveillance must include immediate response to planting activities. The IR properties of disturbed soil/pavement surface, should be different than that of the nearby surface, if observed soon after the activity? Bottom line, enhanced surveillance of required roads, may yield some benefits. Given that most losses/injuries are related to IEDs, more effort needs to be placed on preventing the making/planting of IEDs.

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