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Human Resources and Organizational Management

Headquarters Marine Corps

New Employee (NEO) and New Supervisor (NSO) Orientation
The Human Resources & Organizational Management (HROM) Branch is responsible for providing important information to newly assigned personnel to Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) and Marine Corps Base (MCB) Quantico. We do this by conducting orientation sessions at the Pentagon in Arlington, VA and at Marine Corps Base Quantico (MCBQ) in Quantico, VA. On this webpage, you can find our most up-to-date schedule for the NEO & NSO sessions, the topics covered in each, and the visual presentations and handouts that coincide with these topics. 

New Employee/Supervisor Orientation Topics

Organizational Overview

Safety Awareness (Quantico Only)

Security Awareness (Quantico Only)

Ethics & Standards of Conduct

Equal Employment Opportunity / Prevention of Sexual Harassment

Civilian Workforce Development

  • Individual Development Plans
  • Communities of Interest
  • Training & Development Resources
  • Career Development
  • Leadership Programs
  • Tuition Assistance Programs

Civilian Workforce Management

  • Classification
  • Recruitment
  • Useful Websites

Employee/Management Advisory Services (EMAS)

  • Performance Management (NSPS & Non-NSPS) Discipline
  • Injury Compensation
  • Drug Free Workplace
  • Civilian Employee Assistance Program
  • Hours of Duty
  • Leave
  • Awards
  • Useful Websites


    NEO: All newly-assigned non-supervisory employees (excluding NAF employees and contractors).

    NOTE: NAF employees have their own orientation program and should not attend the NEO.

    NSO: All supervisors of civilians (in addition to military & NAF employees), who are new Federal employees and/or who are new to the supervisory ranks.


    NEO/NSO Schedule

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