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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Public and Indian Housing   >   PIH   >   Public Housing   >   Office of Capital Improvements - PIH   >   2008 Capital Fund Processing Information
2008 Capital Fund Processing Information
 -   Capital Fund Data Certification deadline extended from Feb. 22, 2008 to Feb. 29, 2008
In accordance with PIH Notice 2008-7 the deadline for submission of Certifications of the accuracy of data used for the Capital Fund formula in the Public and Indian Housing Information Center (PIC) system is Feb. 29, 2008 (deadline extended from Feb. 22, 2008). Please note that Notice 2008-7 cross-references Notice 2007-13.
 -   Capital Fund Grant Amounts (MS-Excel) - Please note the grant amounts listed here are the amounts that will be included on the ACC amendments.
 -   2008 Capital Fund Grants Processing Guidance - This document provides processing guidance for the distribution of the 2008 capital fund.
 -   2008 Capital Fund Grants Processing Timeline - This document provides the timeline for the 2008 processing activities.
 -   Capital Fund 2008 Completion of Funding Executive Director Memo
 -   RHF Plans due: Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) that received Replacement Housing Factor funding (RHF) for the first time in FY 2008 and wish to accumulate up to five years of RHF grant funding in order to fund replacement public housing rental units must submit a first increment RHF Plan to the local HUD office. See the elements to be included in a first increment RHF Plan. A PHA may submit an RHF plan for approval at any time after it decides it wishes to accumulate its RHF grants.
 -   PHAs that are eligible to receive a new tier of second increment RHF in FY 2008 (Please see 2008 Second Increment RHF Eligibility list below) must submit a second increment RHF plan to the local HUD office no later than June 30, 2008. See the elements to be included in a second increment RHF Plan. If a second increment plan is not submitted by the deadline and/or disapproved then the PHA is no longer eligible for second increment RHF for that particular tier.
 -   Field Offices are to review and approve or disapprove these plans within 30 days of the application deadline. Field Offices are to notify the Office of Capital Improvements in Headquarters within 45 days of the application deadline of PHAs with
 -   Approved second increment RHF Plans.
 -   Disapproved Second Increment Plans.
 -   PHAs that did not submit required second increment plans.
 -   2008 second increment RHF eligibility lists (MS-Excel): A complete listing of PHAs that have units that are eligible for second increment RHF grants in FY 2008
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