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Monthly news wrap-up: May 2012

June 04, 2012

OPIC provided political risk insurance to rebuild a flour mill and animal feed facility that was destroyed in the 2010 earthquake. This picture is from a tour at the grand reopening of the facility on December 15, 2011. This is just one of many OPIC projects focused on food security. We continue our monthly news wrap-up series this month, starting with a
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OPIC’s 2011 annual report looks back on the agency’s first 40 years

May 31, 2012

In issuing our annual report for 2011, we also marked a milestone: 40 years of investing with impact across the developing world. Often we use this blog as an opportunity to talk about our new projects or our response to current global development challenges. But OPIC’s rich history also underscores how our development finance model endures in a world where the social, environmental
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A pivotal year for foreign affairs, a banner year for OPIC: Read the fiscal 2011 annual report

May 22, 2012

OPIC recently published its annual report for fiscal 2011, a year that OPIC President and CEO Elizabeth Littlefield describes as “a pivotal year for foreign affairs and a banner year for the U.S. Government’s development finance institution.” Littlefield’s full letter is preinted below, and the complete annual report is available on OPIC.gov. When I embarked on my first full year at
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Timeline: A look back at OPIC’s swift response to the 2011 uprisings in the Middle East

January 27, 2012

January marks the first anniversary of the protests in Egypt’s Tahrir Square, which set off broader uprisings that spread throughout the country and much of the Arab World. In the year since then, the Egyptian government has toppled, many of the protests throughout the region continue, and progress has been both promising and unsteady –all underscoring the challenges of achieving
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Tunisian Priorities. American Investments.

November 23, 2011

On November 15, 2011, OPIC President and CEO Elizabeth Littlefield delivered the keynote address at the Tunisia Partnerships Forum at the U.S. Department of State.  “Tunisia is one of the oldest friends and allies of the United States and a model for the region,” she said, also noting that Tunisia today “is ripe with opportunity for investors.” The full test
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“OPIC can transform the way we think about the business community and its relationship with international development.”

October 13, 2011

OPIC President and CEO Elizabeth Littlefield is featured this month in Forbes, where she discusses OPIC’s work supporting U.S. businesses investing in emerging markets, the agency’s increased focus on renewable resources and its quick response to the Arab Spring earlier this year. In the interview Littlefield notes that, because 95 percent of the world’s customers live outside of the United
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