Press Releases

Feb 15, 2013

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Calls for Special Envoy to Iran, Introduces Legislation

Issues: Global Peace & Security

Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee introduced the “Prevent Iran from Acquiring Nuclear Weapons and Stop War Through Diplomacy Act,” which would create a high level Special Envoy to Iran. The act pushes diplomacy as a vital route to preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, and directs the President to appoint a Special Envoy to pursue direct, sustained, bilateral and multilateral negotiations with the Government of Iran in order to prevent war, and support human rights.

Feb 15, 2013

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Introduces Bill to Create Department of Peacebuilding

Issues: Global Peace & Security

Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee introduced H.R. 808, the “Department of Peacebuilding Act of 2013” to create a cabinet-level Secretary and Department of Peacebuilding. The term “peacebuilding” refers both to activities that target the root causes of violence as well as the broad measures used to prevent violent conflict and create sustainable peace.

Feb 14, 2013

Congresswoman Barbara Lee and Senator Frank R. Lautenberg Introduce Bill to Expand Comprehensive Sex Education

Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) introduced the Real Education for Healthy Youth Act of 2013, legislation that would give America’s youth the knowledge they need to make educated decisions about their health. The bill would expand comprehensive sex education programs in schools and ensure that federal funds are spent on effective, age-appropriate, medically accurate programs.

Feb 13, 2013

Reps. Lee And Moran Introduce Tiahrt Restrictions Repeal Act

Issues: Poverty

Representatives Barbara Lee (CA-13) and James Moran (VA-08) introduced the Tiahrt Restrictions Repeal Act. The Tiahrt Amendments, which have been included in Justice Department appropriations legislation since 2004, prohibit access to data on illegal guns, hinder background checks, and limit law enforcement’s efforts to prevent gun violence.

Feb 13, 2013

Congresswoman Lee Reacts to President Obama’s State of the Union Address

Issues: Global Peace & Security, HIV/AIDS, Immigration, Poverty

Congresswoman Lee releases a statement in response to President Obama's State of the Union Address to Congress.

Feb 7, 2013

Congresswoman Lee Defends Saturday Delivery for United States Postal Service

Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) issues the following statement in response to the United States Postal Service announcement that they plan on ending Saturday delivery.

Feb 7, 2013

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Commends President’s Advisory Council on AIDS (PACHA) Resolution on Ending Federal and State HIV-Specific Criminal Laws, Prosecutions, and Civil Commitments

Issues: HIV/AIDS

Congresswoman Barbara Lee, in response to the President’s Advisory Council on AIDS (PACHA) Resolution on Ending Federal and State HIV-specific Criminal Laws, Prosecutions, and Civil Commitments releases to the following statement.

Feb 6, 2013

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Introduces Bill to Audit the Pentagon

Issues: Global Peace & Security

Congresswoman Barbara Lee introduces the "Audit the Pentagon Act of 2013" for increased transparency and accountability in the defense budget.

Feb 5, 2013

Congresswoman Lee Joins in Introduction of the Balancing Act

Issues: Economy and Jobs, Global Peace & Security

Congresswoman Barbara Lee joins fellow members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus at a press conference marking the introduction of the Balancing Act.

Feb 4, 2013

Congresswoman Lee Issues Black History Month Statement

Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) issues a statement to commemorate Black History Month.
