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 March 01, 2004 [posted]
 Link to Clinical Queries Added to MeSH® Database

drop cap letter for y ou can now transfer a term found in the MeSH database to PubMed's Clinical Queries page. This is done using the Links pull-down menu available with the results of a MeSH database search. The Links menu already provides a way to run a search for a MeSH term in PubMed or the NLM MeSH Browser. The new Clinical Queries link will make it easier to use the MeSH database to find a MeSH heading, a subheading, or a publication type and then transfer the term to the query box on the Clinical Queries screen for a search.

Search the MeSH database for enlarged heart.

On the results screen use the Links menu on the Cardiomegaly record to select Clinical Queries (See Figure 1).

  Figure 1: graphic

This MeSH term will be entered in the query box on the Clinical Queries page where you can proceed with either a search for Clinical Queries or Systematic Reviews (See Figure 2). If desired, additional terms can be typed directly into the query box using appropriate Boolean operators.

  Figure 2: graphic

Note: Subheadings and the tags for Major Topic and Do Not Explode cannot be applied directly to MeSH headings using the MeSH database Links menu options. For more information about using the MeSH database or Clinical Queries page, see PubMed's Help.

By Annette M. Nahin
MEDLARS Management Section

black line separting article from citation

Nahin AM. Link to Clinical Queries Added to MeSH Database. NLM Tech Bull. 2004 Mar-Apr;(337):e2.


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