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Business Forecast

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 Current Business Forecasts
 Unsolicited Proposals
 Proposal Resources
 Procurement Resources

Key Links

USAID Homepage

USAID Procurement Regulations Handbook: Automated Directives System

Acquisition and Assistance Policy Directives (AAPDS)/Contract Information Bulletins (CIBs)

Request For Application for Marketing and Innovation for Health (pdf)

Request For Applications for Developing The Next Generation of Public Health Experts in Bangladesh (pdf, 694K)

Request For Proposal for NGO Health Service Delivery Project in Bangladesh (pdf, 715K)

USAID/Bangladesh Mission Business Forecast for Fiscal Year 2010

USAID-funded activities in Bangladesh are carried out through contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, and inter-agency agreements. Partners include U.S.-based, Bangladeshi, and international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and for-profit organizations. Resources for those seeking opportunities to work with USAID are supplied here.

Current Business Forecast

The USAID/Bangladesh Mission Business Forecast for Fiscal Year 2010 can be found at the following link:

USAID/Bangladesh Business Forecast - FY10
(The forecast will be updated throughout the year)

Unsolicited Proposals

USAID reviews all unsolicited proposals received. However, only those that contribute unique approaches and capacities consistent with the Agency’s objectives qualify for consideration for funding. Most USAID funds are fully committed to our current program. Only in exceptional cases are unsolicited proposals funded.

To be considered, an unsolicited proposal must meet the following four criteria:

  1. Must be fully supportive of USAID/Bangladesh program priorities.
  2. Must present a unique approach to addressing USAID program priorities.
  3. Must demonstrate the applicant possesses a unique capability to carry out the proposed activities.
  4. Must be demonstrated support for the proposed activities by the host country government or private institutions.

Prior to submitting an unsolicited proposal, please familiarize yourself with the USAID/Bangladesh Strategic Statement 2006-2010. Download Strategic Statement here (pdf - 88KB)

Proposal Resources

Resulting awards to U.S. non-governmental organizations will be administered in accordance with Chapter 303 of USAID’s Automated Directives System (ADS-303), 22 CFR 226, applicable OMB Circulars (i.e., A-21 for universities or A-122 for non-profit organizations, and A-133 for both) or 48 CFR 31.2 (for for-profit organizations), and Standard Provisions for U.S. Nongovernmental Organizations.

Description Reference Number Closing Date Type
United States Agency for International Development / Bangladesh
Madani Avenue, Dhaka Bangladesh
Phone: (880-2) 885-5500 Fax: (880-2) 882-3648

   Site created and maintained by the United States Agency for International Development, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Links to documents on other WWW sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained therein.

last modified:  March 31, 2010