Field Surveys and Manual Measurements

The detailed Field Surveys are performed every three months and consist of the following items:

1. Pavement Condition Index: Pavement condition index is computed in accordance with ASTM D5340-93. Data from the field survey are input into MicroPaver database to determine overall condition rating.

Overview of Sample Units
Results from latest survey sample units 3 and 4 - APRIL 10 - 1997

Latest Deterioration Plot sample unit 3 - APRIL 10 - 1997

Latest Deterioration Plot sample unit 4 - APRIL 10 - 1997

Picture of Corner Spall in Sample Unit 3 - APRIL 11

Picture of Corner Spall in Sample Unit 8 - APRIL 11

Picture of Crazing in Sample Unit 4 - APRIL 11

2. Brass Pins Elevation Surveys: Brass pins were inserted at the surface of the concrete pavement. These serve as reference points. They are surveyed on a quarterly basis.

Brass Pin Locations
Photo of Brass Pin Number 9 - APRIL 30

Graphical Results for pins 1-5

Graphical Results for pins 6-10

Graphical Results for pins 10-15

3. Water Wells: Two water wells were installed on the edge of the runway where water level is ed

Water wells locations
Photo of Water Well - APRIL 30

Contact the Project Lead: Dr. David Brill, AAR-410

Last Update: 05/18/09