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Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency PDF Print

Our Mission:

The mission of the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency (SAPTA) is to reduce the impact of substance abuse in Nevada.


  • Statewide formulation and implementation of a state plan for prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery of substance abuse.
  • Statewide coordination and implementation of state and federal funding for alcohol and drug abuse programs.
  • Statewide development and publication of standards for certification and the authority to certify treatment levels of care and prevention programs.

The Substance Abuse and Prevention Agency (SAPTA) works to reduce the impact of substance abuse in Nevada. This is accomplished through the identification of the alcohol and drug abuse needs of Nevadans and by supporting a continuum of services including prevention, early intervention, treatment, and recovery support. SAPTA provides regulatory oversight and funding for community-based public and nonprofit organizations. The Agency is also responsible for the development and implementation of a state plan for prevention and treatment; coordination of state and federal funding; and development of standards for the certification of prevention and treatment programs. The Agency serves as the Single State Authority (SSA) for the federal Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Block Grant but does not provide any direct substance abuse prevention or treatment services. In state fiscal year 2008, the SAPTA budget totaled nearly $26.2 million, including approximately $15.7 million in federal support and approximately $10.5 million in state funds. For federal fiscal year 2008-2009, Nevada will receive nearly $12.9 million from the SAPT block grant, and by federal requirement, 20% of the block grant is allocated to prevention programming and 70% is allocated to treatment programming.

Substance Abuse Prevention Programs:

In state fiscal year 2008, SAPTA funded 12 community-based coalitions serving all 17 NV counties. Coalitions use the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Five Step Model to create Comprehensive Community Prevention Plans. The SPF was created by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and is built on science-theory, evidence based practices, and the knowledge that effective prevention programs must engage individuals, families, and entire communities. The process involves building infrastructure and mobilization within a geographic area.
An essential aspect of the Five Step Model requires convening key stakeholders, service providers and citizens to plan and implement sustainable prevention efforts.  Sub-grantees are funded to provide one or more of the six Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) prevention strategies. The six strategies include: information dissemination, prevention education, alternative activities, problem identification and referral, community based processes and environmental strategies.

In state fiscal year 2008, the coalitions managed 60 sub-grantees who served 20, 508 participants (14,881 youth; 5,627 adults), with Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (SAPTBG) funds. Additionally, the SAPTA funded providers disseminated approximately 96,819 pieces of literature. A total of 5,330 youth in 10 counties were served by Safe and Drug Free Schools (SDFS) monies. From February to June, 2008, an additional 7,528 participants were served with the State Prevention Infrastructure (SPI) grant. Allocation of the Meth Education and Awareness Funds during the 2007 NV Legislative Session resulted in numerous events, including the statewide “Most of Us Media Campaign” reaching estimates in the millions.

Substance Abuse Treatment Programs:

In state fiscal year 2008, SAPTA funded 22 treatment organizations providing services in 71 locations throughout Nevada. Together, these providers had 12,444 treatment admissions. Services consist of intervention, comprehensive evaluation, detoxification, residential, outpatient, intensive outpatient, and transitional housing services for adults and adolescents, and opioid maintenance treatment for adults. Providers give admission priority to pregnant women and injection drug users, and provide counseling and education regarding HIV/TB, risks of sharing needles, and risks of sexual behavior while under the influence of mood altering drugs. Additionally, SAPTA funded 3 organizations providing TV/HIV testing services in State Fiscal year 2008.
In state fiscal year 2008, SAPTA supported services including 3,076 detoxification admissions, 2,930 residential treatment admissions, and 6,438 outpatient admissions; adolescents accounted for 13.6% of total admissions. Needing treatment 2,233 individuals had to wait for admission an average of 19 days.


Nevada Department of Health and Human Services