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Complaint: March 2010-Dayrell

Complaint Regarding Invention Promoter


Name of the Invention Promotion Company: Davison Design

Invention Promoter’s Address: 595 Alpha Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15238-2911

Complainant’s Name: Danielle C. Dayrell

Complainant’s Address: 13600 Benton Rd., Grand Ledge, MI 48837

Customer’s Name: Danielle C. Dayrell

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What is your Complaint?

Name of mass media invention promoter advertised in: I was searching online for invention help and found Davison Design

Invention promotion service offered to be performed: Full product patent marketing and licensing rights

Explanation of complaint between customer and invention promoter:

I was contacted after asking for information online.  A man named Gary Yarber (from Davison Design) contacted me and stated that I do not need a patent, I just needed them.  He explained that his company was federally regulated and that all information is confidential.  He stated that he just needed me to fill out a form/confidentiality agreement and that I needed to pay using a credit/debit card.  I explained that I could not pay the $556.00 and that I would need to wait.  I also informed him that the contract sent stated that I would have 30 days to do so.  As we were talking, Davison Design actually was running my LAFCU (Lansing Automakers Federal Credit Union) debit card and taking the $556.00.  I learned that very same day that it had occurred.  I called, emailed, and faxed a statement telling them to put the money back, as I had checks that needed to be cleared, and I did not want them to take money, as I needed to get my financing in order.  Gary Yarber had left for the day, so I asked to speak to his supervisor (Shawn Jones).  Mr. Jones said that he would credit my account within one hour and he never did.  I told Shawn Jones and Gary Yarber that I would contact them when I was ready.  The calls kept coming … at all hours… 7:30 am, 8am, etc…  After repeatedly asking for my account to be credited back, I contacted my credit union.  They disputed the claim and Davison Design did return the money eventually.  Then, I get another call from Gary Yarber asking for another card number.  I explained that it was not a good time and that I would not be able to proceed at this time.  I did give him my card number, but he promised that they would not do anything this time without my permission… and they did AGAIN!!  They tried to get another $556.00 from my Bank of America account and it was declined.  He called me to tell me that and I again stated that he should not be taking any money from me, as I needed to wait.  I did not hear from him after that…  But I went to the Bank of America and found that they were able to get $100.00 on 4/23/09 and another $200.00 on 4/24/09.  I disputed and closed both bank accounts and asked them AGAIN to credit my account back the unauthorized amount taken… and they have not.

Thank you in advance!


Signed: /s/ Danielle C. Dayrell                                                                  Date:  4/25/09

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United States Patent and Trademark Office
This page is owned by Inventor Resources.
Last Modified: 3/11/2010 11:25:14 AM