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Human Resources and Organizational Management

Headquarters Marine Corps

Executive Decision Room

The Executive Decision Room (EDR)
is located in the Pentagon,
Room 2A270

In July 1993, the Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps tasked the Director of Administration and Resource Management Division to design, build, manage, and support an electronic meeting facility at Headquarters Marine Corps. In response, the EDR was opened on 14 February 1994 in room 2404 at the Navy Annex. A portable system was added in December 1994 for expanded use in other conference rooms at HQMC as well as offsite locations. The portable system operates as a stand-alone system and is equipped to support up to 30 participants with laptops, printer, projector, and front projection screens.

To reserve the EDR or for further information contact the ARH Office at (703) 604-2755 or email us at


Photo of EDR
Interior of the EDR

The EDR was renovated and upgraded in September 2005 with an executive-quality V-shaped table capable of seating 21 individuals, two ceiling-mounted projectors with two side-by-side front projection screens, a printer, DVD, and electronic whiteboard.

The GroupSystems collaborative software is maintained in the EDR and on the portable system. The ARHM facilitation team uses this software and their professional facilitation expertise to plan and support group activities ranging from a single activity as simple as brainstorming to multiple activities as complex as strategic planning.

EDR References

EDR Information Sheet  Click here to download 
EDR Policies, Procedures, and Customer Agreement  Click here to download 
Photo Name
Executive Decision Room (EDR)
Our Contact Information


Organizational and Workforce Management Section
Headquarters, US Marine Corps
Naval Support Facility (NSF) Arlington
Suite 2300
701 South Courthouse Road
Arlington, VA 22204-2164

Telephone: (703) 604-2755
DSN: 664-2755
Fax: (703) 604-6662




Human Resources and Organizational Management Branch
Pentagon, Room 2C253
Washington, DC 20350

Telephone: (571) 256-9539
