December 3, 2012

Settlement Success Story: Jocelyn Harris

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Jocelyn Harris is a mortgage broker from Delray Beach, Florida. In 2006, during the housing boom, she purchased her first and only family home for $250,000. At the time, she had a steady income and she and her husband were able to easily pay the mortgage. In 2008, the economy took a turn for the [...]

November 20, 2012

Settlement Success Story: Jose Machin

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In 2000, Jose Machin was living the American dream. He purchased his first home in West Palm Beach, Florida with his wife Estephanie. It cost them $61,000 with mortgage payments of $780.60 per month. Jose and his wife were both gainfully employed and never missed a mortgage payment. Then, sadly, their daughter was diagnosed with [...]

November 19, 2012

Settlement Success Story: Maria Marinakis

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The nation’s largest mortgage servicers have distributed $26.1 billion in direct relief to nearly 310,000 homeowners, or roughly $84,385 per homeowner as part of the National Mortgage Settlement, according to a progress report released today by independent settlement monitor Joseph A. Smith of the Office of Mortgage Settlement Oversight. See our press release today and [...]
