December 11, 2012

New PSAs Direct Struggling Homeowners to Free Mortgage Help

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Written by Andrea Risotto and George Gonzalez “What are we going to do if we lose the house?” “I can’t let anyone find out.” “I can’t tell the kids. This is going to wreck their lives.” “I am all alone.” Many of these powerful thoughts have crossed the minds of homeowners who have fallen behind [...]

July 9, 2012 Launches New Resources for Spanish-Speaking Homeowners at Risk of Foreclosure

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Cross posted from Studies show that Latino families have been among the most deeply impacted by the foreclosure crisis. Many continue to struggle with their mortgage payments and those with limited English proficiency remain among the most vulnerable to foreclosure prevention scams. Fortunately, help is available for millions of struggling families, including those with [...]

January 27, 2012

Expanding our efforts to help more homeowners and strengthen hard-hit communities

Crossed posted from Today, the Administration announced important enhancements to the Making Home Affordable Program, including the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), to expand the reach of the program to help additional homeowners stay in their homes and strengthen hard-hit communities. These enhancements will provide additional relief to struggling homeowners, renters, and their neighborhoods [...]

August 5, 2011

Spotlight on the Housing Recovery in Riverside, California

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Tiffany Thomas-Smith is Deputy Press Secretary at HUD; Andrea Risotto is Spokeswoman for the Making Home Affordable Program at the Treasury Department Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issued the July Housing Scorecard and monthly Making Home Affordable Program Performance Report.  Included in the [...]

July 8, 2011

FHA Providing Unemployed Homeowners Extra Time to Get Back on Their Feet

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If you’re unemployed and having trouble making payments on your FHA-insured mortgage, more help is on the way!  The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) already requires its lenders to go the extra mile in helping un- or underemployed borrowers who are at least three months behind in their mortgage.  Now, FHA is providing additional breathing room [...]
