December 11, 2012

New PSAs Direct Struggling Homeowners to Free Mortgage Help

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Written by Andrea Risotto and George Gonzalez “What are we going to do if we lose the house?” “I can’t let anyone find out.” “I can’t tell the kids. This is going to wreck their lives.” “I am all alone.” Many of these powerful thoughts have crossed the minds of homeowners who have fallen behind [...]

November 30, 2012

HUD and Partners Pitch in to Help Families Find Housing Following Hurricane Sandy

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Fred Tombar, Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Housing & Urban Development for Disaster Programs Brian Forde, Senior Advisor to the U.S. CTO for Mobile and Data Innovation Earlier this month, Hurricane Sandy tore through the Northeast leaving thousands of families to pick up the pieces of their homes.  As families begin the process of [...]

November 9, 2012

HUD, VA and Partners Help Delaware Vet Move From Homelessness to Homebuyer

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Our guest blogger today is Maria Bynum, Deleware Field Office Director, HUD As we celebrate the Nation’s veterans, Delaware veteran Ellis Thompson shares his journey from being homeless to purchasing his own home.  At 59, Thompson stands tall and proud of his success and grateful for the opportunity to inspire other vets on the street [...]

November 7, 2012

FEMA Announces Temporary Housing Rental Assistance Increase in New York and New Jersey

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Cross posted from As part of ongoing efforts to ensure families and individuals impacted by Hurricane Sandy get the support they need, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced today that the agency is increasing the amount of rental assistance that it may provide eligible disaster survivors in New York and New Jersey.  The [...]

November 6, 2012

Housing and Sheltering Needs of Hurricane Sandy

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 Cross posted from   As the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and our federal partners continue to work with states to recover from Hurricane Sandy, an increasing number of residents whose homes were severely damaged or destroyed by the storm have been displaced from their homes and are seeking sheltering alternatives. FEMA is working directly [...]
