Student Council           


TT2 has a Student Council!     


A Student Council is an organization made up of students who participate in student leadership for our school.  These students will be helping with school safety patrols, raising the U.S. flags and learning proper handing of the flag, providing student input to administration and helping with community involvement activities.


Students will learn about setting an agenda, brainstorming ideas, problem-solving and voting, citizenship and leadership skills and teamwork. 


TT2 Student Council is comprised of 23 students.  Every classroom has a student representative elected by their classmates on the Student Council.  The President, Vice-President, and Secretary make up the Executive Board and are elected by the Student body.

Pictures from school year 2009-2010


Mrs. Amos is the Student Council Advisor for school year 2010-2011.  If you have any questions, please call the school office at 910-450-1640.


student council spirit banner
Mrs. Amos and students with spirit banner!





We meet every Monday when school is in session from 3:20 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Projects in 2009-2010


Food Drive: TT2 donated over 300 items to the Onslow County Ministries in the month of December!  A huge thanks to everyone who helped our students contribute to our community!  

"Hands for Haiti" - A donation fund drive sponsored by the PTO with the help of TT2 Student Council.  Student Council members made posters to put up in the hallways and spoke in their classrooms about helping out the earthquake victims in Haiti.  Our school raised over $400.00 for this outreach effort!


Beautification Project: Students worked hard in the flower beds around the flag pole to spruce it some!  They did a great job working two Mondays after school!





Student Council Activities:


Flag Detail:  Students participate on a weekly schedule in raising and lowering the American flag each day.


Monthly Student Council Theme Day:

The purpose is to involve all students in our school with the intention of making connections with each other and our school as a whole.  (See calendar for themes and dates).




  Calendar of Events   Calendar-2009-2010


   See what we've been doing!       Pictures from 2009-2010 school year

                                                                                                            Flag patrol/Safety Patrol

                                                                                                            Food Drive

                                                                                                            "Twin Day"

                                                                                                            Beautification Projects




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