About Us - Policy Notices

IMLS Ethics Statement

As an Executive Branch agency within the Federal government, IMLS strives to maintain public trust by carrying out its statutory responsibilities in a highly professional and ethical manner. In carrying out the agency’s vital mission of advancing museum, library, and information services throughout the Nation, the IMLS staff, members of the National Museum and Library Services Board, and IMLS peer reviewers perform their duties in accordance with the Principles of Ethical Conduct, the Conflict of Interest Laws, the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Executive Branch Employees, and the IMLS Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct. Copies of the relevant materials are available at the links provided above, and IMLS employees and reviewers are provided with an hour of official duty time to review the materials when they come on board.

In addition, IMLS peer reviewers sign a Conflict of Interest Statement prior to reviewing grant applications and the National Museum and Library Services Board has adopted a Conflict of Interest Resolution to help ensure compliance with the ethics laws and principles.

If, at any time, you have any questions regarding the ethics laws and IMLS’s policy, please contact Nancy E. Weiss, the IMLS Designated Agency Ethics Official, at (202) 653-4787, 1800 M Street, NW, 9th floor, Washington DC 20036-5802.