NCPTT joined Tulane School of Architecture, Preservation Trades Network and Save our Cemeteries to host “Cities of the Dead: Above-Ground Cemetery Preservation, Conservation, Documentation Methodology and History,” July 13-31, in New Orleans, La.

Topics included appropriate treatments for 19th century above-ground tombs, lime-based building technology in plaster, mortar, limewash, and masonry applications,  architectural history, preservation technology, landscape architecture, funerary iconography, and the history of New Orleans Cemeteries.

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2 Responses to Preservation Field School

  1. Heather L. James says:

    Hello there!
    I am currently a student in an MLS program with a focus on archives and preservation, here, in Portland, Oregon.
    I am very interested in becoming involved with the Preservation Studies Summer Field School at Tulane in 2010 and was wondering how to begin this process, if I am even eligible!
    I am very interested in cemetery restoration, especially in the South.
    I look forward to hearing from you in the soon future!

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