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  1. Due to a lapse of government funding, this account will not be active until further notice.
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  3. It's National Public Lands Day! Are you volunteering today? #NPLD20

    Photo: The Miller Homestead at National Elk Refuge, WY. (Lori Iverson/USFWS)
    Photo: It's National Public Lands Day! Are you volunteering today? #NPLD20 

Photo: The Miller Homestead at National Elk Refuge, WY. (Lori Iverson/USFWS)
  4. On October 8th, the United States will destroy its stockpile of confiscated elephant ivory. We're calling on the member nations of CITES to show that we stand together in the global effort to combat poaching and wildlife trafficking by destroying their own stockpiles of confiscated ivory or other illegally traded wildlife. See more at: http://bit.ly/1h4T4au
    Photo: On October 8th, the United States will destroy its stockpile of confiscated elephant ivory. We're calling on the member nations of CITES to show that we stand together in the global effort to combat poaching and wildlife trafficking by destroying their own stockpiles of confiscated ivory or other illegally traded wildlife. See more at: http://bit.ly/1h4T4au
  5. We are very pleased to announce today our first eight Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnerships! These partnerships will enable us to connect more deeply with urban audiences and introduce new visitors to the USFWS National Wildlife Refuge System.
  6. Keep calm ... and carry on! This old fire safety sign from our National Conservation Training Center archives warned past employees what to do in the event of an emergency. Still sound advice, no? Check out more signage via our Digital Archives: http://1.usa.gov/18pmgYD #TBT #throwback #throwbackthursday
    Photo: Keep calm ... and carry on! This old fire safety sign from our National Conservation Training Center archives warned past employees what to do in the event of an emergency. Still sound advice, no? Check out more signage via our Digital Archives: http://1.usa.gov/18pmgYD #TBT #throwback #throwbackthursday
  7. Autumn is here! What refuge do you plan on visiting this fall?
    Photo: Autumn is here! What refuge do you plan on visiting this fall?
  8. Things are heating up at some refuges across the country, even as temperatures continue to cool down. Check out our Togiak National Wildlife Refuge page for details ...
    The rut is really heating up across SW Alaska. The rut is the term for the mating season for moose, caribou and other ungulates. During the rut males seek out females while also defending those females and territory from other males. Fights often happen and while most end with nothing more than minor injury, these fights can escalate to the point of death. Sometimes the bulls wind up locked together and unable to get apart. That's what happened to these two exceptional bulls (68" and 72"), whose antlers were found on the refuge. That's Doug White and Ryan Miller providing the tale of the tape.
    Photo: The rut is really heating up across SW Alaska. The rut is the term for the mating season for moose, caribou and other ungulates. During the rut males seek out females while also defending those females and territory from other males. Fights often happen and while most end with nothing more than minor injury, these fights can escalate to the point of death. Sometimes the bulls wind up locked together and unable to get apart. That's what happened to these two exceptional bulls (68" and 72"), whose antlers were found on the refuge. That's Doug White and Ryan Miller providing the tale of the tape.
  9. Three years of research, more than $60,000 in funding, and continual habitat manipulation are just some of the tools we've used to help the eastern massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus), a species listed as endangered in New York. Head on over to our USFWS Endangered Species page for more #ESA40 facts, info, and pics!
    We're working with partners in New York to restore degraded swamps and turn them into prime basking and breeding habitat for the eastern massasauga rattlesnake, a candidate for Endangered Species Act protection. Learn more: http://1.usa.gov/19wAG7H
    Photo: We're working with partners in New York to restore degraded swamps and turn them into prime basking and breeding habitat for the eastern massasauga rattlesnake, a candidate for Endangered Species Act protection. Learn more: http://1.usa.gov/19wAG7H
  10. Bald cypress forest in autumn, Santee Refuge, SC (Marc Epstein/USFWS)
  11. Now for a little morning fun ... it's Sea Otter Awareness Week! #seaotter
    It's Sea Otter Awareness Week!

    Did you know? Sea otters will hold paws to keep from drifting apart while they sleep! Learn more about some of the oceans' cutest inhabitants here: http://ow.ly/p8zcW
    Photo: It's Sea Otter Awareness Week! 

Did you know? Sea otters will hold paws to keep from drifting apart while they sleep! Learn more about some of the oceans' cutest inhabitants here: http://ow.ly/p8zcW
  12. Whoooo wants to know more about burrowing owls? Did you know burrowing owls nest from March to August? Get more fun facts here: http://1.usa.gov/19aNh0e

    Burrowing owl pair near Las Vegas, Nevada (Joe Milmoe/USFWS)
    Photo: Whoooo wants to know more about burrowing owls? Did you know burrowing owls nest from March to August? Get more fun facts here: http://1.usa.gov/19aNh0e

Burrowing owl pair near Las Vegas, Nevada (Joe Milmoe/USFWS)
  13. Even in the best of times, sea turtle hatchlings have it hard, struggling down the beach to make it to the water. But climate change is threatening baby turtles with a double whammy. That's why we're excited to talk about a new study being ...conducted by the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Get the full story on our #OpenSpaces Tumblr -- and see more great nature pics!

    A volunteer holds a baby loggerhead turtle. (Steve Hillebrand/USFWS)
    See More
    Photo: Even in the best of times, sea turtle hatchlings have it hard, struggling down the beach to make it to the water. But climate change is threatening baby turtles with a double whammy. That's why we're excited to talk about a new study being conducted by the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Get the full story on our #OpenSpaces Tumblr -- and see more great nature pics! 

A volunteer holds a baby loggerhead turtle. (Steve Hillebrand/USFWS)
  14. Ahoy land lubbers! Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Join the celebration and leave us a comment in yer best pirate lingo.
    Photo: Ahoy land lubbers! Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Join the celebration and leave us a comment in yer best pirate lingo.
  15. Meet Ira Gabrielson. He was technically the first director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from 1940-1946. Gabrielson became Chief of the Biological Survey in 1935. In 1940 the Bureau of Biological Survey was combined with the Bureau of Fisheries to create the newly minted Fish and Wildlife Service. #throwback #tbt

    (Special thanks, as always, to our National Conservation Training Center for the pic & info!)
    Photo: Meet Ira Gabrielson. He was technically the first director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from 1940-1946. Gabrielson became Chief of the Biological Survey in 1935. In 1940 the Bureau of Biological Survey was combined with the Bureau of Fisheries to create the newly minted Fish and Wildlife Service. #throwback #tbt 

(Special thanks, as always, to our National Conservation Training Center for the pic & info!)
  16. It's time for an increase in walrus visitations at Togiak National Wildlife Refuge.

    What's happening in your neck of the woods?
    In addition to the many other seasonal changes to Togiak Refuge, fall sees a substantial increase in walrus visitations to the refuge’s coastal areas, particularly along the southwest corner/Cape Peirce area. Walrus haul-out numbers begin t...o climb during this time of year and typically reach their peak during October and early November. In fact, Togiak Refuge is the largest Pacific walrus haul-out site to be found in the entire refuge system.See More
    Photo: In addition to the many other seasonal changes to Togiak Refuge, fall sees a substantial increase in walrus visitations to the refuge’s coastal areas, particularly along the southwest corner/Cape Peirce area. Walrus haul-out numbers begin to climb during this time of year and typically reach their peak during October and early November. In fact, Togiak Refuge is the largest Pacific walrus haul-out site to be found in the entire refuge system.
  17. Missouri's abundance of water makes for a good home to many of our aquatic friends. Aquatic species, like humans, depend on clean water for survival. Learn what efforts are being completed to ensure aquatic species, such as these ozark hellbender eggs, will thrive in the future: http://1.usa.gov/180Z0Qr

    Photo credit: USFWS
    Photo: Missouri's abundance of water makes for a good home to many of our aquatic friends.  Aquatic species, like humans, depend on clean water for survival.  Learn what efforts are being completed to ensure aquatic species, such as these ozark hellbender eggs, will thrive in the future:  http://1.usa.gov/180Z0Qr

Photo credit:  USFWS
  18. What do Federal Duck Stamps do? A lot!
    The Federal Duck Stamp - aka the "All of the Above" stamp!
    Photo: The Federal Duck Stamp - aka the "All of the Above" stamp!
  19. Bat research is inspiring military technology design! Get the inside scoop from one of our own employees who got up close and personal with Mexican free-tailed bats during a recent trip to Texas. Read all about it here: http://bit.ly/17QddzC

    Photo: Mexican free-tailed bats (Ann Froschauer/USFWS)
    Photo: Bat research is inspiring military technology design! Get the inside scoop from one of our own employees who got up close and personal with Mexican free-tailed bats during a recent trip to Texas. Read all about it here: http://bit.ly/17QddzC

Photo: Mexican free-tailed bats (Ann Froschauer/USFWS)