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PHIL Image 11161

Description:This 2009 photograph captured a sneeze in progress, revealing the plume of salivary droplets as they are expelled in a large cone-shaped array from this man’s open mouth, thereby, dramatically illustrating the reason one needs to cover his/her mouth when coughing, or sneezing, in order to protect others from germ exposure.

How Germs Spread?

Illnesses like the flu (influenza) and colds are caused by viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs. The flu and colds usually spread from person to person when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

How to Help Stop the Spread of Germs?

Take care to:

- Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough

- Clean your hands often

- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth

- Stay home when you are sick and check with a health care provider when needed

- Practice other good health habits.

High Resolution:Right click here and select "Save Target As..." for hi-resolution image (38.32 MB)
Content Providers(s):CDC/ Brian Judd
Creation Date:2009
Photo Credit:James Gathany
CDC Organization

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Copyright Restrictions:None - This image is in the public domain and thus free of any copyright restrictions. As a matter of courtesy we request that the content provider be credited and notified in any public or private usage of this image.
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This page last reviewed: Mar. 18 2005
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