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Updated 12 October, 2003

US National Assessment
of the Potential Consequences
of Climate Variability and Change
Draft Water Resources Sector Paper Assignments


As of mid-March 1999

The names of the authors are provided here as a courtesy to those interested in the research efforts of the Water Resources Sector of the National Assessment. Please contact the authors directly if you have questions about their specific research endeavors.

Bibliographic Review of the Literature on Climate and Water in the U.S.
Beth Chalecki

U.S. Water Demand in 1995: A review of the current demand for water in the United States by sector and by USGS water resources regions
Howard Perlman

Issues of Concern to Water Managers: Advice and Recommendations
Gerald Hansler, Kathy Jacobs, David Major

Review of the Implications of Climate Change for Regional Water Resources: Summary of Past Watershed Research
Peter Gleick/Beth Chalecki: Colorado, Sacramento
Greg McCabe/George Leavesley: East River, Gunnison, Delaware, San Juan, San Joaquin, Carson/Truckee
Dennis Lettenmaier: Columbia, Missouri, ACF
Frank Quinn: Great Lakes
Jurgen Schmandt: Trinity, Edwards Aquifer, Colorado (Texas), Rio Grande
Aris Georgakakos: ACF, others

New Watershed Studies Using NA GCMs
Dennis Lettenmaier
Philip Chao/U.S. Army Corps
Aris Georgakakos
Frank Quinn
USGS: Delaware, Animas, East River, San Joaquin, East Fork of the Carson

Baseline Water Quality: Qualitative Assessment of Vulnerabilities of Water Quality to Climate Variability and Change
Tim Miller (NAWQA); Greg Schwarz

Hydrologic and water quality models linked to climate changes in stream flow (Upton Hatch/Southeast)
Aris Georgakakos

Extreme Events (Big increase in variability over last few decades; sensitivity to extremes)
Bruce Hayden: climate side
Harry Lins/James Slack/Peter Gleick: streamflow
Tom Karl: precipitation intensity
Brent Yarnal: Mid-Atlantic

Adequacy of streamflow network, other monitoring & flow duration through GCMs in current watershed modeling (Hadley cells)
Lauren Hay/Rob Wilbey

Ecosystem Functioning and Health
Judy Meyer/Mike Sale

Focus on existing instream flow modeling; update 2nd National Water Assessment
Steve Hostetler

Impacts on Reservoir System Operation; Effectiveness of Regulatory Practices (Lake Folsom, Lake Saylorville, ACF River Basin)
Aris Georgakakis

Economic and Social Costs of Climatic Variability and Change
Ken Frederick

Effects of Climate Change and Variability on Groundwater (comprehensive review of the existing literature; coordination of participation of other centers and individuals)
Susan Seacrest/Bob Kuzelka

Soil Moisture Sensitivity to Climate Change; Impacts on Agriculture
Aris Georgakakis/Hydrologic Research Center

Baseline scenario development: Role of demographic changes
Mike Sale

National Reconnaissance of Changes in Climate in USGS Watersheds (application of NA GCMs to HUMUS model, at 4-digit/8-digit watershed level; application of 1xCO2 as well)
Norm Rosenberg

Indicators of Vulnerability
Joel Smith/Gale Hurd

Review of Regional Model Estimates of Impacts of Climate Change on Snowfall/Snowmelt Conditions
Peter Gleick/Lauren Hay/Al Rango/Dennis Lettenmaier

Climate Change and Water Resources: Legal Issues
Joseph Dellapenna

Evaluation of mean monthly and annual runoff in USGS watershed areas using GCM Data
Dave Wolock

Climate Change and Reservoirs
Steve Hostetler

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