corporate law

AgCLIR Lessons from the Field: Paying Taxes

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January 10, 2011

High tax rates in this sector lead to industry specific distortions, while informal business operations and trade flows constrain public sector revenue from agribusiness. AgCLIR Lessons from the Field: Paying Taxes is a briefer that highlights the specific issues that must be addressed in regards to the local legal, regulatory, and institutional environments in starting an agribusiness. 



AgCLIR Lessons from the Field: Protecting Investors

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Document Type: 
January 10, 2011

 Agribusinesses have a number of industry-specific options for raising capital, including grassroots cooperatives and direct international investment in productive infrastructure. AgCLIR Lessons from the Field: Protecting Investors is a briefer that highlights the specific issues that must be addressed in regards to the local legal, regulatory, and institutional environments in starting an agribusiness. 


AgCLIR Chapter: Paying Taxes

The fairness and efficiency of a tax system has significant impact on whether entrepreneurs (particularly smaller and micro enterprises) and individual citizens choose to join the formal sector. If they believe that the tax system is fair and that the state will use their tax revenues wisely, they are more likely to participate.

AgCLIR Chapter: Protecting Investors

Agricultural enterprises have a number of options for raising capital to pay for their inputs, equipment, and other costs of growing a business, most of which are appropriate instead of—or in addition to—seeking a loan from a bank or other lender. Of course, each option carries not only the promise of economic gain, but also the risk of loss.

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