
Country Analytic Support

Country Analytic Support project provided:

  • Assessments that highlight obstacles to or success in economic growth performance for USAID countries and countries affected by conflict,
  • Benchmarking data on economic growth performance and conflict-affected countries, and
  • Library of post-conflict and economic growth literature,
  • The Programming for Growth Series of Policy Briefs.

Women's Leadership Training in Economics Program (WLTIE)

The Women's Leadership Training in Economics Program - also known as WLTIE - is a program designed to strengthen the macroeconomic policy capacity of developing countries by educating promising women leaders.  WLTIE scholars travel to the United States to expand their technical skills and personal leadership abilities through Masters-level coursework, internships, conferences, and networking.  Upon receiving her degree, each scholar must return to her home country where she is expected to pursue a career in economic policy-making and public service through the

Fiscal Reform

Supporting USAID's efforts to help developing countries implement sound fiscal reforms

USAID/EGAT’s Fiscal Reform and Economic Governance Project is designed to provide technical leadership and support to USAID field missions in addressing:

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