Information for MCB PIs when preparing Supplemental Funding Requests

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Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (MCB)
Information for PIs when Preparing
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
Supplemental Funding Requests

To prepare the REU supplement request, go to the Fastlane page on the NSF website ( ), click on “Proposals, Awards, and Status”, login, click on “Award and Reporting Functions", and then click on “Supplemental Funding Requests."

The information required is detailed in Sec. V.A. of the REU Program Announcement, accessible from the REU home page (, under the heading "Request for REU Supplement". Please read this section carefully and include all the required information in your request. January 15 of each year is the deadline to request supplemental funding. Submissions received after that date will not be considered for funding in the current fiscal year. Please note: supplement requests are not automatically awarded – they are subject to NSF approval and are competitive.

The following checklist can be used in preparing the request:

1) Components of an REU Supplement request:

  • A cover page that lists the award number for the parent award
  • A specific statement in project summary that this is a request for an REU supplement
  • A description of the form and nature of the student’s involvement in the PI’s NSF research project (include a brief overview of the project)
  • A description of the selection criteria of the student participant
  • A brief description of the PI's other experience with involving undergraduates in research, including prior REU supplements, if applicable
  • A statement that the student is an undergraduate and will be so throughout the period he or she receives money from the REU supplement (REU supplements may be used to support high school students who have been accepted to college)
  • A statement that the student is either a citizen or permanent resident of the U.S. or its possessions (or will be by the start date)
  • The desired start date and duration of supplement
  • The expiration date of the parent award (the supplement must be used up by the time the grant expires.)
  • A brief biographical sketch of the student if he or she has already been selected
  • An assessment plan to measure the impact of the research experience on the student

2) Budget checklist:

  • All student costs should be entered in Box F (“Participant Support Costs”).

Stipends are expected to be the main cost item for the supplement and are normally expected to cover 10 weeks of full-time work.

Indirect costs are not allowed on Participant Support Costs in REU Site or REU Supplement budgets.

  • Total budget should not exceed $6,000 per student per year (academic year and/or summer). Normally no more than one supplement will be awarded to each parent award on an annual basis.


See Research Experience for Teachers (RET) Dear Colleague Letter for details

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See Research Assistantships for High School Students (RAHSS) Dear Colleague Letter for details

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Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (MCB)
Information for PIs when Preparing
Research Opportunity Awards (ROA)
Supplemental Funding Requests

We strongly encourage a conversation with the cognizant Program Director before submitting an ROA supplement request. To prepare the request following such a conversation, go to the Fastlane page on the NSF website ( ), click on “Proposals, Awards, and Status”, login, click on “Award and Reporting Functions", and then click on “Supplemental Funding Requests."

The information required is detailed in Sec. II.D. (and thereafter) of the ROA Program Announcement, accessible from the ROA home page ( ) by clicking on the announcement link 00-144 . Please read this section carefully and include all the required information in your request. January 15 of each year is the deadline to request supplemental funding. Submissions received after that date will not be considered for funding in the current fiscal year. Please note: supplement requests are not automatically awarded – they are subject to NSF approval and are competitive.

The following checklist should be useful in preparing the request:

1) Contents of an ROA request:

  • A cover page that lists the award number for the parent award;
  • A requested amount of $25,000 or less;
  • A desired start date no less than 60 days from the request date;
  • The duration should be for between 2-12 months (summer research or partial sabbatical support)
  • A description of the rationale and significance of the proposed research to be conducted in the ROA (how the work relates to the parent award).
  • A description of results from previous ROA supplement support (if applicable);
  • An ROA Education and Training Plan that considers:
    • the goals for the professional development of the ROA faculty member with regard to teaching and research
    • the anticipated impact of the ROA experience on the ROA faculty member’s home insitutition;
  • The expiration date of the parent award (the supplement must be expended by the parent award’s expiration date);
  • References cited; biographical sketches; a year-1 budget and a summary budget page; current and pending support; facilities, equipment and other resources; allowable supplementary documentation.

2) Budget checklist:

  • MCB will support the direct costs of participation (e.g., salary and fringe benefits for the visitor, travel costs, and essential supplies).
  • No costs for major instrumentation or equipment are allowed.
  • Total budget (including the administrative allowance) should not exceed $25,000, except when the managing program director indicates the potential for additional support.