FCC Auctions: Summary: Auction 73 Skip Navigation
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Auction 73

700 MHz Band


Bidding Days:
Qualified Bidders:
Winning Bidders:
101 Bidders won 1090 Licenses*
Licenses Held by FCC
Gross Bids:
Net Bids:
*Auction 73 concluded with 1090 provisionally winning bids covering 1091 licenses and totaling $19,592,420,000, as shown in the Integrated Spectrum Auction System. The provisionally winning bids for the A, B, C, and E Block licenses exceeded the aggregate reserve prices for those blocks. The provisionally winning bid for the D Block license, however, did not meet the applicable reserve price and thus did not become a winning bid. Accordingly, Auction 73 raised a total of $19,120,378,000 in winning bids and $18,957,582,150 in net winning bids (reflecting bidders' claimed bidding credit eligibility), as shown above.


Results (updated after each round)
View Auction Results in the Integrated Spectrum Auction System (opens new window)
Full Information Results Files
Limited Information Results Files

Maps & Band Plans

Map Icon Cellular Market Areas (Metropolitan Statistical & Rural Service Areas) Map (pdf)
Map Icon Economic Areas including Gulf of Mexico Map (pdf)
Map Icon Regional Economic Area Groupings Map (pdf)
Band Plan Icon 700 MHz Band (pdf)

General Information

Sample Results Files

Other Auctions of 700 MHz Spectrum:
Auction 31: Upper 700 MHz Band
Auction 33: Upper 700 MHz Guard Bands
Auction 38: Upper 700 MHz Guard Bands
Auction 44: Lower 700 MHz Band
Auction 49: Lower 700 MHz Band
Auction 60: Lower 700 MHz Band

Tribal Lands Bidding Credits
Includes cross references for Cellular Market Area (CMA or MSA and RSA), Economic Area (EA or BEA), Regional Economic Area Grouping (REAG), and Nationwide (NWA) geographic area types.
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