Campaign : Surface spectral albedo

2002.08.14 - 2002.08.20

Lead Scientist : Alexander Trishchenko

Data Availability

Analysis of the data collected during IOP is not completed yet. Preliminary results will be presented during the IRF workshop on 8-10 October, 2002. Data will be available at the following URL ( ) . The results already available can be viewed at

For data sets, see below.


August 14. Clear-sky. Measurements of surface spectral reflectance at the Central Facility and surrounding area. Altogether we made measurements at 5 different locations. Three instruments were used: spectroradiometer GER3700, PAR radiometer TRAC. MICROTOPS sunphotometer.

a)Wild grass near 10m towers.

b)Unpaved road at CF c)Wild grass. Different location within CF area. d)Bare soil. Ploughed field. Two locations.

August 15. Mostly clear-sky. Measurement were made at the following locations a) Milo (grain sorghum) field. b) Bare soil.

c) Tall grass. d) Short grass. e) Bare soil. f) Young green milo (grain sorghum).

August 16. Mostly cloudy to overcast conditions. a) Wheat stubble.

b) Soya beans. c) Alfalfa d) Unharvested wheat with dry weeds

August 17. Partly cloudy. Surface reflectance measurements starting August 17 were made with TRAC radiometer only due to failure of GER3700. Additional measurements by IR thermometer were conducted by M .Cribb ( University of Maryland). a) Ringwood extended facility. b) Byron extended facility c) Great Salt Plains Lake (water surface) d) Great Salt Plains Lake (salt covered surface) e)Grass around Great Salt Plains Lake. f) August 18, 2002. Clear-sky to partly cloudy conditions a) El-Reno Extended Facility. b) Meeker Extended Facility. c) Pawhuska Extended Facility.

August 19. Survey of surface types distribution around ARM CF site ( ~ 6 x 6 miles)

The distribution of vegetation types was documented over the area surrounding the ARM CF and marked on the most recent Landsat image. Landsat image for July 31, 2002 is shown below. Individual fields are of size 0.5 by 0.5 mile each.


Purpose of this field campaign is to collect surface albedo spectra for representative surface types in the ARM SGP CART site area, to gather information useful for conducting surface type classification from aerial/satellite remote sensing data, to develop the first detailed spectral model of surface reflectance over the ARM SGP CART site area.

Additional Information

Acknowledgements. We would like to thank very much the personal of the SGP CF for their help, support and participation.

Other Contacts

Yi Luo (CCRS) Maureen Cribb (UMD&ESSIC) Kenneth G. Hamm, Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma

Campaign Data Sets

Campaign Participant Data Set Archived Data
Trishchenko, Alexander spectroradiometer GER3700 Order Data