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Technical Memoranda NMFS

(F/SPO, F/NEC, F/NER, F/NE Series)

TMs are listed in reverse chronological order, divided by series. TMs available online are linked here (indicated by boldface). To obtain a TM not available online, either order a copy from the National Technical Information Service (referencing NTIS accession number provided), or contact the Woods Hole Laboratory Library for guidance.

If you are a NEFSC employee interested in submitting a document for publication in the NOAA Tech Memo NMFS-F/NE series, click here for guidelines or contact series editor Jarita Davis (508 495-2228)

NMFS-F/NE Subseries (current)

TM F/NE-221 U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Stock Assessments -- 2011, edited by Gordon T. Waring, Elizabeth Josephson, Katherine Maze-Foley, and Patricia E. Rosel, with contributions from (listed alphabetically): Kevin Barry, Barbie Byrd, Timothy V.N. Cole, Laura Engleby, Carol Fairfield, Lance P. Garrison, Larry Hansen, Allison Henry, Jenny Litz, Christopher Orphanides, Richard M. Pace, Debra L. Palka, Marjorie C. Rossman, Carrie Sinclair, and Fredrick W. Wenzel. May 2012.
TM F/NE-220 Review of the Ecological Effects of Dredging in the Cultivation and Harvest of Molluscan Shellfish, by Renee Mercaldo-Allen and Ronald Goldberg December 2011. NTIS Access No.
TM F/NE-219 U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Stock Assessments -- 2010, edited by Gordon T. Waring, Elizabeth Josephson, Katherine Maze-Foley, and Patricia E. Rosel, with contributions from (listed alphabetically): Kevin Barry, Barbie Byrd, Timothy V.N. Cole, Laura Engleby, Carol Fairfield, Lance P. Garrison, Larry Hansen, Allison Henry, Jenny Litz, Christopher Orphanides, Richard M. Pace, Debra L. Palka, Marjorie C. Rossman, Carrie Sinclair, and Fredrick W. Wenzel. April 2011. NTIS Access No.
TM F/NE-218 NEUS – Atlantis: Construction, Calibration, and Application of an Ecosystem Model with Ecological Interactions, Physiographic Conditions, and Fleet Behavior , by Jason S. Link, Robert J. Gamble, Elizabeth A. Fulton. January 2011. NTIS Access No.
TM F/NE-217 General Trends and Interannual Variability in Prey Selection by Larval Cod and Haddock from the Southern Flank of Georges Bank, May 1993-1999, by Elisabeth A. Broughton and R. Gregory Lough. May 2010. NTIS Access No.
TM F/NE-216 The Trophic Dynamics of 50 Finfish and 2 Squid Species on the Northeast US Continental Shelf, by Brian E. Smith and Jason S. Link. May 2010. NTIS Access No.
TM F/NE-215 Atlantic Sturgeon Research Techniques, by Kimberly Damon-Randall, Russell Bohl, Stephania Bolden, Dewayne Fox, Christian Hager, Brian Hickson, Eric Hilton, Jerre Mohler, Erika Robbins, Tom Savoy, Albert Spells. May 2010. NTIS Access No.
TM F/NE-214 Mortality and Serious Injury Determinations for Baleen Whale Stocks along the United States and Canadian Eastern Seaboards, 2004-2008 , by Allison H. Glass, Timothy V.N. Cole, and Mendy Garron. May 2010.NTIS Access No.
TM F/NE-213 U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Stock Assessments -- 2009, by Gordon T. Waring, Elizabeth Josephson, Katherine Maze-Foley, and Patricia E. Rosel. December 2009. NTIS Access No.
TM F/NE-212 Summary of harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) bycatch and levels of compliance in the northeast and mid–Atlantic gillnet fisheries after the implementation of the Take Reduction Plan: 1 January 1999 – 31 May 2007, by Debra Palka, Christopher D. Orphanides, and  Melissa L. Warden. August 2008. NTIS Access No.
TM F/NE-211 Trends in Selected Northeast Region Marine Industries, by Eric M. Thunberg. July 2008. NTIS Access No.
TM F/NE-210 US Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Stock Assessments--2008, by Gordon T. Waring, Elizabeth Josephson, Carol P. Fairfield-Walsh, and Katherine Maze-Foley. February 2009. NTIS Access No. PB2011100832.
TM F/NE-209 Impacts to Marine Fisheries Habitat from Nonfishing Activities in the Northeastern United States, by Michael R. Johnson, Christopher Boelke, Louis A. Chiarella, Peter D. Colosi, Karen Greene, Kimberly Lellis-Dibble, Heather Ludemann, Michael Ludwig, Sean McDermott, Jill Ortiz, Diane Rusanowsky, Marcy Scott, and Jeff Smith. February 2008. NTIS Access No.
TM F/NE-208 Global Applications of the Large Marine Ecosystem Concept 2007-2010, by Kenneth Sherman, Marie-Christine Aquarone, and Sally Adams. June 2007. NTIS Access No. PB2009112224.
TM F/NE-207 Analysis of Atlantic Sea Scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) Fishery Impacts on the North Atlantic Population of Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta), by Richard Merrick and Heather Haas. February 2008. NTIS Access No PB2008107373.
TM F/NE-206 Growth of Black Sea Bass (Centropristis striata) in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems, by Dean Perry, David A. Nelson, Dylan H. Redman, Stephen Metzler, and Robin Katersky. October 2007. NTIS Access No PB2008107374.
TM F/NE-205 U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Stock Assessments -- 2007, by GT Waring, E Josephson, CP Fairfield, and K Maze-Foley, Editors. November 2007. NTIS Access No PB2009102222.
TM F/NE-204 An evaluation of the Northeast Region’s study fleet pilot program and electronic logbook system: phases I and II, by Michael C. Palmer, Susan E. Wigley, John J. Hoey, and Joan E. Palmer. December 2007. NTIS Access No PB2008107375.
TM F/NE-203 Essential fish habitat source document: Spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias, life history and habitat characteristics, 2nd edition, by LL Stehlik. December 2007. NTIS Access No PB2008107376.
TM F/NE-202 Evaluation of Northern Right Whale Ship Strike Reduction Measures in the Great South Channel of Massachusetts, by RL Merrick and TVN Cole. March 2007. NTIS Access No PB2008107377.
TM F/NE-201 U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Stock Assessments -- 2006, by GT Waring, E Josephson, CP Fairfield, and K Maze-Foley, Editors. March 2007. NTIS Access No PB2007112570.
TM F/NE-200 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Black Sea Bass, Centropristis striata, Life History and Habitat Characteristics (2nd Edition), by AF Drohan, JP Manderson, and DB Packer. February 2007. NTIS Access No PB2008107378
TM F/NE-199 Distribution and Abundance of Fish Eggs Collected during the GLOBEC Broad-scale Georges Bank Surveys, 1995-1999, by JD Sibunka, DL Johnson, and PL Berrien. August 2006. NTIS Access No PB2008107379.
TM F/NE-198 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, Life History and Habitat Characteristics (2nd Edition), by GR Shepherd and DB Packer. June 2006. NTIS Access No PB2006103439.
TM F/NE-197 Withdrawn from series.
TM F/NE-196 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, Life History and Habitat Characteristics (2nd Edition), by JKT Brodziak. December 2005. NTIS Access No PB2006103439.
TM F/NE-195 A Large Marine Ecosystem Voluntary Environmental Management System Approach to Fisheries Practices, by FJ Gable. December 2005. NTIS Access No (not assigned).
TM F/NE-194 U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Stock Assessments -- 2005, by GT Waring, E Josephson, CP Fairfield, and K Maze-Foley, Editors. March 2006. NTIS Access No PB2007104395.
TM F/NE-193 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Longfin Inshore Squid, Loligo pealeii, Life History and Habitat Characteristics (2nd edition), by LD Jacobson. September 2005. NTIS Access No PB2005110684.
TM F/NE-192 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus, Life History and Habitat Characteristics (2nd edition), by DK Stevenson and ML Scott. July 2005. NTIS Access No PB2005107567.
TM F/NE-191 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Northern Shortfin Squid, Illex illecebrosus, Life History and Habitat Characteristics (2nd edition), by LC Hendrickson and EM Holmes. November 2004. NTIS Access No PB2005101437.
TM F/NE-190 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Atlantic Cod, Gadus Morhua, Life History and Habitat Characteristics (2nd edition), by RG Lough. November 2004. NTIS Access No PB2006101528.
TM F/NE-189 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Sea Scallop, Placopecten magellanicus, Life History and Habitat Characteristics (2nd edition), by DR Hart and AS Chute. September 2004. NTIS Access No PB2005104079.
TM F/NE-188 Northeast Regional Commercial Fishing Input-Output Model, by SR Steinback and EM Thunberg. April 2006. NTIS Access No PB2007104394.
TM F/NE-187 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: American plaice, Hippoglossoides platessoides, life history and habitat characteristics (2nd edition), by DL Johnson. August 2004. NTIS Access No PB2006102421.
TM F/NE-186 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Silver Hake, Merluccius bilinearis, Life History and Habitat Characteristics (2nd edition), by MC Lock and DB Packer. August 2004. NTIS Access No PB2005101546.
TM F/NE-185 Revised and Updated Edition of F. Bruce Sanford's 1957 Planning Your Scientific Research Paper, by JA Gibson. August 2004. NTIS Access No _________.
TM F/NE-184 A Large Marine Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management and Sustainability: Linkages and Concepts towards Best Practices, by FJ Gable. August 2004. NTIS Access No. PB2005101435.
TM F/NE-183 NOAA Fisheries Service's Large Marine Ecosystems Program: Status Report, by K Sherman, P Celone, and S Adams. July 2004. NTIS Access No PB2006102420.
TM F/NE-182 U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Stock Assessments -- 2003, by GT Waring, RM Pace, JM Quintal, CP Fairfield, and K Maze-Foley, Editors. May 2004. NTIS Access No. PB2004106431.
TM F/NE-181 Characterization of the Fishing Practices and Marine Benthic Ecosystems of the Northeast U.S. Shelf, and an Evaluation of the Potential Effects of Fishing on Essential Fish Habitat, by D. Stevenson, L. Chiarella, D. Stephan, R. Reid, K. Wilhelm, J. McCarthy, and M. Pentony. January 2004. NTIS Access No _________.
TM F/NE-180 Variability in Blood Chemistry of Yellowtail Flounder, Limanda ferruginea, with Regard to Sex, Season, and Geographic Location, by R. Mercaldo-Allen, M.A. Dawson, C.A. Kuropat, and D. Kapareiko. September 2003. NTIS Access No. PB2004107074.
TM F/NE-179 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Winter Skate, Leucoraja ocellata, Life History and Habitat Characteristics, by D.B. Packer, C.A. Zetlin, and J.J. Vitaliano. March 2003. NTIS Access. No. PB2003104254.
TM F/NE-178 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Thorny Skate, Amblyraja radiata, Life History and Habitat Characteristics, by D.B. Packer, C.A. Zetlin, and J.J. Vitaliano. March 2003. NTIS Access. No. PB2003104255.
TM F/NE-177 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Smooth Skate, Malacoraja senta, Life History and Habitat Characteristics, by D.B. Packer, C.A. Zetlin, and J.J. Vitaliano. March 2003. NTIS Access. No. PB2003104256.
TM F/NE-176 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Rosette Skate, Leucoraja garmani virginica, Life History and Habitat Characteristics, by D.B. Packer, C.A. Zetlin, and J.J. Vitaliano. March 2003. NTIS Access. No. PB2003104258.
TM F/NE-175 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Little Skate, Leucoraja erinacea, Life History and Habitat Characteristics, by D.B. Packer, C.A. Zetlin, and J.J. Vitaliano. March 2003. NTIS Access. No. PB2003104259.
TM F/NE-174 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Clearnose Skate, Raja eglanteria, Life History and Habitat Characteristics, by D.B. Packer, C.A. Zetlin, and J.J. Vitaliano. March 2003. NTIS Access. No. PB2003104260.
TM F/NE-173 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Barndoor Skate, Dipturus laevis, Life History and Habitat Characteristics, by D.B. Packer, C.A. Zetlin, and J.J. Vitaliano. March 2003. NTIS Access. No. PB2003104257.
TM F/NE-172 Variability of Temperature and Salinity in the Middle Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine Based on Data Collected as Part of the MARMAP Ships of Opportunity Program, 1978-2001, by J.W. Jossi and R.L. Benway. March 2003. NTIS Access. No. PB2004100835.
TM F/NE-171 Length-Weight Relationships for 74 Fish Species Collected during NEFSC Research Vessel Bottom Trawl Surveys, 1992-99. By S.E. Wigley, H.M. McBride, and N.J. McHugh. March 2003. NTIS Access No. PB2003106486.
TM F/NE-170 Interaction of Shelf Water with Warm-Core Rings, Focusing on the Kinematics and Statistics of Shelf Water Entrained within Streamers by R.J. Schlitz. March 2003. NTIS Access. No. PB2005100158.
TM F/NE-169 U.S. and Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Assessments -- 2002. By G.T. Waring, J.M. Quintal, and C.P. Fairfield (Editors). September 2002. NTIS Access. No. PB2003-104167.
TM F/NE-168 U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Stock Assessments -- 2001.  By G.T. Waring, J.M. Quintal, and S.L. Swartz (Editors). December 2001. NTIS Access. No. PB2002104350.
TM F/NE-167 Assessment and Characterization of Salt Marshes in the Arthur Kill (New York and New Jersey) Replanted after a Severe Oil Spill. D.B. Packer, Editor. December 2001. NTIS Access. No. PB2004106067.
TM F/NE-166 Report on the Third Northwest Atlantic Herring Acoustic Workshop, University of Maine Darling Marine Center, Walpole, Maine, March 13-14, 2001. By William L. Michaels, Editor and Coconvenor, and Philip Yund, Coconvenor. December 2001. NTIS Access. No. PB2003101556.
TM F/NE-165 A Baseline Socio-economic Study of Massachusetts' Marine Recreational Fisheries. By R.J. Salz, D,K. Loomis, M.R. Ross, and S.R. Steinback. December 2001. NTIS Access. No. PB2002-108348.
TM F/NE-164 An Overview of the Social and Economic Survey Administered during Round II of the Northeast Multispecies Fishery Disaster Assistance Program. By J. Olson and P.M. Clay. December 2001. NTIS Access. No. PB2002-105406.
TM F/NE-163 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Red Deepsea Crab, Chaceon (Geryon) quinquedens, life history and habitat characteristics.  By F.W. Steimle, C.Z. Zetlin, and S. Chang.  January 2001.  NTIS Access No. PB2001-103542.
TM F/NE-162 U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Stock Assessments -- 2000. By G.T. Waring, J.M. Quintal, and S.L. Swartz.  November 2000.  NTIS Access. No. PB2001-104091.
TM F/NE-161 Demersal Fish and American Lobster Diets in the Lower Hudson - Raritan Estuary. By F.W. Steimle, R.A. Pikanowski, D.G. McMillan, C.A. Zetlin, and S. J. Wilk. NTIS Access. No. PB2002-105456.
TM F/NE-160 Measuring Technical Effeciency and Capacity in Fisheries by Data Envelopment Analysis Using the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS): A Workbook. By J.B. Walden and J.E. Kirkley. October 2000. NTIS Access. No. PB2001-106502.
TM F/NE-159 An Overview and History of the Food Web Dynamics Program of the Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts.  By J.S. Link and F.P. Almeida.  October 2000.  NTIS Access. No. PB2001-103996.
TM F/NE-158 A Framework for Monitoring and Assessing Socioeconomics and Governance of Large Marine Ecosystems.  By J.G. Sutinen, editor, P. Clay, C.L. Dyer, S.F. Edwards, J. Gates, T.A. Grigalunas, T. Hennessey, L. Juda, A.W. Kitts, P.N. Logan, J.J. Poggie, Jr., B. Pollard Rountree, S.R. Steinback, E.M. Thunberg, H.F. Upton, and J.B. Walden.  August 2000.  NTIS Access. No. PB2001-106847.
TM F/NE-157 Contaminant Levels in Muscle of Four Species of Recreational Fish from the New York Bight Apex. By A. Deshpande, A.F.J. Draxler, V.S. Zdanowicz, M.E. Schrock, A.J. Paulson, T.W. Finneran, B.L. Sharack, K. Corbo, L. Arlen, E.A. Leimburg, B.W. Dockum, R.A. Pikanowski, B. May, and L.B. Rosman. June 2000. NTS Access. No. PB2001-107346.
TM F/NE-156 Proceedings of the Summer Flounder Aging Workshop, 1-2 February 1999, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. By G.R. Bolz, J.P. Monaghan, Jr., K.L. Lang, R.W. Gregory, and J.M. Burnett. May 2000. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-107403.
TM F/NE-155 Food of Northwest Atlantic Fishes and Two Common Species of Squid. By R.E. Bowman, C.E. Stillwell, W.L. Michaels, and M.D. Grosslein. January 2000. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-106735.
TM F/NE-154 Report of the Joint Scientific Review Group Workshop, April 13-14, 1999, Seattle, Washington. By R.L. Merrick, compiler. November 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-105393.
TM F/NE-153 U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Stock Assessments -- 1999. By G.T. Waring, D.L. Palka, P.J. Clapham, S. Swartz, M.C. Rossman, T.V.N. Cole, L.J. Hansen, K.D. Bisack, K.D. Mullin, R.S. Wells, D.K. Odell, and N.B. Barros. October 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-102497.
TM F/NE-152 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Tilefish, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps, Life History and Habitat Characteristics.  By F.W. Steimle, C.A. Zetlin, P.L. Berrien, D.L. Johnson, and S.Chang.  September 1999.  NTIS Access. No. PB2001-100143.
TM F/NE-151 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Summer Flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, Life History and Habitat Characteristics.  By D.B. Packer, S.J. Griesbach, P.L. Berrien, C.A. Zetlin, D.L. Johnson, and W.W. Morse.  September 1999.  NTIS Access. No.  PB2000-100149.
TM F/NE-150 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Spiny Dogfish, Squalus acanthias, Life History and Habitat Characteristics.  By D.G. McMillan and W.W. Morse.  September 1999.  NTIS Access. No. PB2000-100148.
TM F/NE-149 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Scup, Stenotomus chrysops, Life History and Habitat Characteristics.  By F.W. Steimle, C.A. Zetlin, P.L. Berrien, D.L. Johnson, and S. Chang.  September 1999.  NTIS Access. No. PB2000-100144.
TM F/NE-148 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Ocean Quahog, Arctica islandica, Life History and Habitat Characteristics.  By L.M. Cargnelli, S.J. Griesbach, D.B. Packer, and E. Weissberger.  September 1999.  NTIS Access. No. PB2000-100145.
TM F/NE-147 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Northern Shortfin Squid, Illex illecebrosus, Life History and Habitat Characteristics.  By L.M. Cargnelli, S.J. Griesbach, and C.A. Zetlin.  September 1999.  NTIS Access.  No. PB2000-100146.
TM F/NE-146 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Longfin Inshore Squid, Loligo pealeii, Life History and Habitat Characteristics.  By L.M. Cargnelli, S.J. Griesbach, C. McBride, C.A. Zetlin, and W.W. Morse.  September 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-100147.
TM F/NE-145 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Butterfish, Peprilus triancanthus, Life History and Habitat Characteristics.  By J.N. Cross, C.A. Zetlin, P.L. Berrien, D.L. Johnson, and C.McBride.  September 1999.  NTIS Access. No. PB2000-107404.
TM F/NE-144 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, Life History and Habitat Characteristics.  By M.P. Fahay, P.L. Berrien, D.L. Johnson, and W.W. Morse.  September 1999.  NTIS Access. No. PB2000-107405.
TM F/NE-143 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Black Sea Bass, Centropristis striata, Life History and Habitat Characteristics.  By F.W. Steimle, C.A. Zetlin, P.L. Berrien, and S. Chang.  September 1999.  NTIS Access. No. PB2000-107401.
TM F/NE-142 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Atlantic Surfclam, Spisula solidissima, Life History and Habitat Characteristics.  By L.M. Cargnelli, S.J. Griesbach, D.B. Packer, and E. Weissberger.  September 1999.  NTIS Access. No. PB2000-107402.
TM F/NE-141 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Atlantic Mackerel, Scomber scombrus, Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By A.L. Studholme, D.B. Packer, P.L. Berrien, D.L. Johnson, C.A. Zetlin, and W.W. Morse. September 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-106947.
TM F/NE-140 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Yellowtail Flounder, Limanda ferruginea, Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By D.L. Johnson, W.W. Morse, P.L. Berrien, and J.J. Vitaliano. September 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-106883.
TM F/NE-139 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Witch Flounder, Glyptocephalus cynoglossus, Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By L.M. Cargnelli, S.J. Griesbach, D.B. Packer, P.L. Berrien, W.W. Morse, and D.L. Johnson. September 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-106919.
TM F/NE-138 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By J.J. Pereira, R. Goldberg, J.J. Ziskowski, P.L. Berrien, W.W. Morse, and D.L. Johnson. September 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-106920.
TM F/NE-137 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Windowpane, Scophthalmus aquosus, Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By S. Chang, P.L. Berrien, D.L. Johnson, and W.W. Morse. September 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-106001.
TM F/NE-136 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: White Hake, Urophycis tenuis, Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By S. Chang, W.W. Morse, and P.L. Berrien. September 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-106002.
TM F/NE-135 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Silver Hake, Merluccius bilinearis, Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By W.W. Morse, D.L. Johnson, P.L. Berrien, and S.J. Wilk. September 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-105995.
TM F/NE-134 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Sea Scallop, Placopecten magellanicus, Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By D.L. Packer, L.M. Cargnelli, S.J. Griesbach, and S.E. Shumway. September 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-105996.
TM F/NE-133 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Red Hake, Urophycis chuss, Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By F.W. Steimle, W.W. Morse, P.L. Berrien, and D.L. Johnson. September 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-105428.
TM F/NE-132 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Redfish, Sebastes spp., Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By R. Pikanowski, W.W. Morse, P.L. Berrien, D.L. Johnson, and D.G. McMillan. September 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-105427.
TM F/NE-131 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Pollock, Pollachius virens, Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By L.M. Cargnelli, S.J. Griesbach, D.B. Packer, P.L. Berrien, D.L. Johnson, and W.W. Morse. September 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-105426.
TM F/NE-130 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Offshore Hake, Merluccius albidus, Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By S. Chang, P.L. Berrien, D.L. Johnson, and C.A. Zetlin. September 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-105425.
TM F/NE-129 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Ocean Pout, Macrozoarces americanus, Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By F.W. Steimle, W.W. Morse, P.L. Berrien, D.L. Johnson, and C.A. Zetlin. September 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-103865.
TM F/NE-128 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By L.M. Cargnelli, S.J. Griesbach, P.L. Berrien, W.W. Morse, and D.L. Johnson. September 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-103862.
TM F/NE-127 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Goosefish, Lophius americanus, Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By F.W. Steimle, W.W. Morse, and D.L. Johnson. September 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-103863.
TM F/NE-126 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Atlantic Herring, Clupea harengus, Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By R.N. Reid, L.M. Cargnelli, S.J. Griesbach, D.B. Packer, D.L. Johnson, C.A. Zetlin, W.W. Morse, and P.L. Berrien. September 1999.  NTIS Access. No. PB2000-103864.
TM F/NE-125 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Atlantic Halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By L.M. Cargnelli, S.J. Griesbach, and W.W. Morse. September 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-103388.
TM F/NE-124 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Atlantic Cod, Gadus morhua, Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By M.P. Fahay, P.L. Berrien, D.L. Johnson, and W.W. Morse. September 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-103381.
TM F/NE-123 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: American Plaice, Hippoglossoides platessoides, Life History and Habitat Characteristics. By D.L. Johnson, P.L. Berrien, W.W. Morse, and J.J. Vitaliano. September 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-103383.
TM F/NE-122 Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: Fishery-Independent Surveys, Data Sources, and Methods. By R.N. Reid, F.P. Almeida, and C.A. Zetlin. September 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-103382.
TM F/NE-121 Habitat Use and Requirements of Important Fish Species Inhabiting the Hudson River Estuary: Availability of Information. By A.W. Everly and J. Boreman. September 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2002-105459.
TM F/NE-120 Marine Mammal Research Program of the Northeast Fisheries Science Center during 1990-95. By J.M. Quintal and T.D. Smith. September 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB2000-100809.
TM F/NE-119 Data Needs for Economic Analysis of Fishery Management Regulations. By A.W. Kitts and S.R. Steinback. August 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB99-171456.
TM F/NE-118 Tautog (Tautoga onitis) Life History and Habitat Requirements. By F.W. Steimle and P.A. Shaheen. May 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB99-165011.
TM F/NE-117 Review of Distribution of the Long-finned Pilot Whale (Globicephala melas) in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean. By A.A. Abend and T.D. Smith. April 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB99-165029.
TM F/NE-116 U.S. Atlantic Marine Mammal Stock Assessments -- 1998. By G.T. Waring, D.L. Palka, P.J. Clapham, S. Swartz, M.C. Rossman, T.V.N. Cole, K.D. Bisack, and L.J. Hansen. February 1999. NTIS Access. No. PB99-134140.
TM F/NE-115 Status of Fishery Resources off the Northeastern United States for 1998. By S.H. Clark, editor. September 1998. NTIS Access. No. PB99-129694.
TM F/NE-114 U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Stock Assessments -- 1996. By G.T. Waring, D.L. Palka, K.D. Mullin, J.H.W. Hain, L.J. Hansen, and K.D. Bisack. October 1997. NTIS Access. No. PB98-112345.
TM F/NE-113 Individual Vessel Behavior in the Northeast Otter Trawl Fleet during 1982-92. By B. Pollard Rountree. October 1997. NTIS Access. No. PB99-169997.
TM F/NE-112 Data Description and Statistical Summary of the 1983-92 Cost-Earnings Data Base for Northeast U.S. Commercial Fishing Vessels: A Guide to Understanding and Use of the Data Base. By A.B. Gautam and A.W. Kitts. December 1996. NTIS Access. No. PB97-169320.
TM F/NE-111 Review and Evaluation of the 1994 Experimental Fishery in Closed Area II on Georges Bank. By P. Gerrior, F.M. Serchuk, K.C. Mays, J.F. Kenney, and P.D. Colosi. October 1996. NTIS Access. No. PB98-119159.
TM F/NE-110 Length-Length and Length-Weight Relationships for 13 Shark Species from the Western North Atlantic. By N.E. Kohler, J.G. Casey, and P.A. Turner. May 1996. NTIS Access. No. PB97-135032.
TM F/NE-109 Proceedings of the Symposium on the Potential for Development of Aquaculture in Massachusetts: 15-17 February 1995, Chatham/Edgartown/Dartmouth, Massachusetts. By C.A. Castro and S.J. Soares, eds. January 1996. NTIS Access. No. PB97-103782.
TM F/NE-108 Status of the Fishery Resources off the Northeastern United States for 1994. By Conservation and Utilization Division, Northeast Fisheries ScienceCenter. January 1995. NTIS Access. No. PB95-263414.
TM F/NE-107 Invertebrate Neoplasia: Initiation and Promotion Mechanisms -- Proceedings of an International Workshop, 23 June 1992, Washington, D.C. By A. Rosenfield, F.G. Kern, and B.J. Keller, comps. & eds. September 1994. NTIS Access. No. PB96-164801.
TM F/NE-106 Selected Living Resources, Habitat Conditions, and Human Perturbations of the Gulf of Maine: Environmental and Ecological Considerations for Fishery Manangement. By R.W. Langton, J.B. Pearce, and J.A. Gibson, eds. August 1994. NTIS Access. No. PB95-270906.
TM F/NE-105 Review of American Lobster (Homarus americanus) Habitat Requirements and Responses to Contaminant Exposures. By R. Mercaldo-Allen and C.A. Kuropat. July 1994. NTIS Access. No. PB96-115555.

NMFS-F/SPO Series (by NEFSC staff; issued by SPO in Seattle)

TM F/SPO 81 Van Parijs SM, Southall B. March 2007. Report of the 2006 NOAA National Passive Acoustics Workshop: Developing a Strategic Program Plan for NOAA’s Passive Acoustics Ocean Observing System (PAOOS), Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 11–13 April 2006. PDF File*
*NOTE: Formerly TM F/SPO 76; number changed due to accidental duplication.
TM F/SPO 78 Merrick R (Chair), Kelty R, Ragen T, Rowles T, Sandifer P, Schroeder B, Swartz S, Valette-Silver N. April 2007. Report of the Protected Species SAIP Tier III Workshop, 7-10 March 2006, Silver Spring, MD. PDF File
TM F/SPO 76 Re-assigned to TM F/SPO 81 (see above).
TM F/SPO 72 Smith TD, Reeves RR, Bannister JL, editors. October 2005. Report of the International Cachalot Assessment Research Planning Workshop, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 1-3 March 2005. PDF File
TM F/SPO-63 Merrick R, et al. 2004. A Requirements Plan for Improving the Understanding of the Status of U.S. Protected Marine Species. PDF File
TM F/SPO-54 Anderson ED, editor. The Raymond J.H. Beverton Lectures at Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Three lectures on fisheries science given May 2-3, 1994. PDF File

NMFS-F/NER Subseries

TM F/NER-5 Summary of the Workshop on Harbor Porpoise Mortalities and Human Interactions. By N.J. Haley and A.J. Read. August 1993. NTIS Access. No. PB94-131885.
TM F/NER-4 Aquaculture in the Northeast Region of the National Marine Fisheries Service. By H.C. Mears. July 1992. NTIS Access. No. PB93-114072/AS.
TM F/NER-3 Quantifying Resource Loss through Habitat Degradation: Proceedings of the First NMFS Northeast Environmental Workshop, March 13-14, 1991, Gloucester, Massachusetts. By R.J. Pawlowski and M.C. Ingham. February 1992. NTIS Access. No. PB93-114049.
TM F/NER-2 Stewardship of the Northeast's Living Marine Resources: Northeast Implementation Plan for the NMFS Strategic Plan. By R.B. Roe. February 1992. NTIS Access. No. PB93-114031/AS.
TM F/NER-1 The Use of a Volumetric Measure for Determining Sea Scallop Meat Count. By R.J. Smolowitz, F.M. Serchuk, and R.J. Reidman. May 1989. NTIS Access. No. PB90-114000/AS.

NMFS-F/NEC Subseries

TM F/NEC-104 Quantitative Effects of Pollution on Marine and Anadromous Fish Populations. By C.J. Sindermann. June 1994. NTIS Access. No. PB95-138467.
TM F/NEC-103 Marine Mammal Studies Supported by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center during 1980-89. By G.T. Waring, J.M. Quintal, and T.D. Smith. May 1994. NTIS Access. No. PB95-108213.
TM F/NEC-102 Indexed Bibliography of Northeast Fisheries Science Center Publications and Reports for 1990-91. By J.A. Gibson. May 1994. NTIS Access. No. PB95-200838.
TM F/NEC-101 Status of Fishery Resources off the Northeastern United States for 1993. By Conservation and Utilization Division, Northeast Fisheries ScienceCenter. October 1993. NTIS Access. No. PB94-142361.
TM F/NEC-100 Emerging Theoretical Basis for Monitoring the Changing States (Health) of Large Marine Ecosystems -- Summary Report of Two Workshops: 23 April 1992, National Marine Fisheries Service, Narragansett, Rhode Island, and 11-12 July 1992, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. By K. Sherman, ed. September 1993. NTIS Access. No. PB94-157476.
TM F/NEC-99 Sole Ownership of Living Marine Resources. By S.F. Edwards, A.J. Bejda, and R.A. Richards. May 1993. NTIS Access. No. PB94-146651.
TM F/NEC-98 Marine Invertebrate Cell Culture: Breaking the Barriers -- Proceedings of an International Workshop, 16 June 1991, Anaheim, California. By A. Rosenfield, ed. March 1993. NTIS Access. No. PB93-213593.
TM F/NEC-97 Water-column Thermal Structure in the Middle Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine during 1978-92. By R.L. Benway, K.P. Thomas, and J.W. Jossi. March 1993. NTIS Access. No. PB93-223147.
TM F/NEC-96 An Indexed Bibliography of Northeast Fisheries Science Center Publications and Reports for 1989. By J.A. Gibson. November 1992. NTIS Access. No. PB93-213601.
TM F/NEC-95 Status of Fishery Resources off the Northeastern United States for 1992. By Conservation and Utilization Division, Northeast Fisheries ScienceCenter. October 1992. NTIS Access. No. PB93-144103.
TM F/NEC-94 Summary of the Symposium on the Northeast U.S. Shelf Ecosystem: Stress, Mitigation, and Sustainabilty -- 12-15 August 1991, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, Rhode Island. By K. Sherman, N. Jaworski, and T. Smayda, eds. October 1992. NTIS Access. No. PB94-103439.
TM F/NEC-93 Large Marine Ecosystems Monitoring Workshop Report: 13-14 July 1991, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. By K. Sherman and T.L. Laughlin, eds. October 1992. NTIS Access. No. PB93-234284.
TM F/NEC-92 Report of the Meeting of the ad hoc Committee on Large Marine Ecosystems, 22-23 March 1991, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France. By K. Sherman and T.L. Laughlin, eds. October 1992. NTIS Access. No. PB93-215747.
TM F/NEC-91 The Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) Concept and Its Application to Regional Marine Resource Management -- 1-6 October 1990, Monaco: Conference Summary and Recommendations. By K. Sherman and T.L. Laughlin, eds. October 1992. NTIS Access. No. PB93-185965.
TM F/NEC-90 Fish and Megainvertebrates Collected in the New York Bight Apex during the 12-Mile Dumpsite Recovery Study, July 1986 - September 1989. By S.J. Wilk, R.A. Pikanowski, A.[L.] Pacheco, D.G. McMillan, B.A. Phelan, and L.L. Stehlik. October 1992. NTIS Access. No. PB93-158772.
TM F/NEC-89 Proceedings of the NEFC/ASMFC Summer Flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, Aging Workshop, 11-13 June 1990, Northeast Fisheries Center, Woods Hole, Mass. By F.P. Almeida, R.E. Castaneda, R. Jesien, R.E. Greenfield, and J.M. Burnett. January 1992. NTIS Access. No. PB93-114643.
TM F/NEC-88 Synopsis of Principal Diseases of the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus. By G.A. Messick and C.J. Sindermann. January 1992. NTIS Access. No. PB92-219757.
TM F/NEC-87 Evidence of Structural Change in Preferences for Seafood. By S.F. Edwards. January 1992. NTIS Access. No. PB93-114650/AS.
TM F/NEC-86 Status of Fishery Resources off the Northeastern United States for 1991. By Conservation and Utilization Division, Northeast Fisheries ScienceCenter. September 1991. NTIS Access. No. PB92-113786.
TM F/NEC-85 Factors Influencing Spring Distribution, Availability, and Recreational Catch of Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in the Middle Atlantic and Southern New England Regions. By W.J. Overholtz, R.S. Armstrong, D.G.Mountain, and M. Terceiro. August 1991. NTIS Access. No. PB92-160209.
TM F/NEC-84 Trophodynamics of Select Demersal Fishes in the New York Bight. By F.W. Steimle and R. Terranova. July 1991. NTIS Access. No. PB92-157999/AS.
TM F/NEC-83 Organic Contaminants in Hepatic Tissues of Lobster and Flounder at the New York Bight "12-Mile" Sewage Sludge Dumpsite: 1987-88. By A.F.J. Draxler, P. Hauge, and A. Deshpande. July 1991. NTIS Access. No. PB93-114635/AS.
TM F/NEC-82 Response of the Habitat and Biota of the Inner New York Bight to Abatement of Sewage Sludge Dumping: Third Annual Progress Report -- 1989. By A.L. Studholme, M.C. Ingham, and A.[L.] Pacheco, eds. February 1991. NTIS Access. No. PB91-208199.
TM F/NEC-81 Status of the Fishery Resources off the Northeastern United States for 1990. By Conservation and Utilization Division, Northeast FisheriesCenter. January 1991. NTIS Access. No. PB91-213785.
TM F/NEC-80 Distribution of Sexually Immature Components of 10 Northwest Atlantic Groundfish Species Based on Northeast Fisheries Center Bottom Trawl Surveys, 1968-1986. By S.E. Wigley and W.L. Gabriel. January 1991. NTIS Access. No. PB92-101617.
TM F/NEC-79 Contaminants in Sediment and Fish Tissue from Estuarine and Coastal Sites of the Northeastern United States: Data Summary for the Baseline Phase of the National Status and Trends Program Benthic Surveillance Project, 1984-1986. By V.S. Zdanowicz and D.F. Gadbois. December 1990. NTIS Access. No. PB92-147453/AS.
TM F/NEC-78 Seasonal Distribution Patterns of Commercial Landings of 45 Species off the Northeastern United States during 1977-88. By S. Chang. October 1990. NTIS Access. No. PB91-160846.
TM F/NEC-77 Shell Disease among Red Crabs Inhabiting Submarine Canyons of the New York Bight. By R.R. Young. December 1989. NTIS Access. No. PB90-194762/AS.
TM F/NEC-76 Finfish Maturity Sampling and Classification Schemes Used during Northeast Fisheries Center Bottom Trawl Surveys, 1963-89. By J.[M.] Burnett, L. O'Brien, R.K. Mayo, J.A. Darde, and M.L. Bohan. December 1989. NTIS Access. No. PB91-128389/AS.
TM F/NEC-75 An Indexed Bibliography of Northeast Fisheries Center Publications and Reports for 1988. By J.A. Gibson. December 1989. NTIS Access. No. PB91-112912.
TM F/NEC-74 Shell Disease of Crustaceans in the New York Bight. By C.J. Sindermann (chair), F. Csulak (EPA coord.), T.K. Sawyer (rapp.), R.A. Bullis, D.W. Engel, B.T. Estrella, E.J. Noga, J.B. Pearce, J.C. Rugg, R. Runyon, J.A. Tiedemann, and R.R. Young. December 1989. NTIS Access. No. PB90-195058/AS.
TM F/NEC-73 Surface and Bottom Temperature Distribution for the Northeast Continental Shelf. By D.G.Mountain and T.J. Holzwarth. December 1989. NTIS Access. No. PB90-252172/AS.
TM F/NEC-72 Status of the Fishery Resources off the Northeastern United States for 1989. By Conservation and Utilization Division, Northeast FisheriesCenter. December 1989. NTIS Access. No. PB90-170622/AS.
TM F/NEC-71 Allocation of Statewide-Reported MRFSS Catch and Landings Statistics between Areas: Application to Winter Flounder. By F.P. Almeida. September 1989. NTIS Access. No. PB90-246745.
TM F/NEC-70 Summer Distribution of Regulated Species on Georges Bank with Reference to the 1988 Experimental Whiting Fishery. By F.P. Almeida, S. Chang, and T.S. Burns. September 1989. NTIS Access. No. PB90-206525/AS.
TM F/NEC-69 The 1988 Experimental Whiting Fishery: A NMFS/Industry Cooperative Program. By F.P. Almeida, T.S. Burns, and S. Chang. August 1989. NTIS Access. No. PB90-160664/AS.
TM F/NEC-68 MARMAP Surveys of the Continental Shelf from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, to Cape Sable, Nova Scotia (1984-87). Atlas No. 3. Summary of Operations. By J.D. Sibunka and M.J. Silverman. July 1989. NTIS Access. No. PB90-160656/AS.
TM F/NEC-67 Response of the Habitat and Biota of the Inner New York Bight to Abatement of Sewage Sludge Dumping. Second Annual Progress Report--1988. By Environmental Processes Division, Northeast FisheriesCenter. July 1989. NTIS Access. No. PB90-125444/AS.
TM F/NEC-66 Guidelines for Estimating Lengths at Age for 18 Northwest Atlantic Finfish and Shellfish Species. By J.A. Pentilla, G.A. Nelson, and J.M. Burnett, III. May 1989. NTIS Access. No. PB90-120675/AS. (PDF)
TM F/NEC-65 Stock Assessment Information for Pollock, Pollachius virens (L.), in the Scotian Shelf, Georges Bank, and Gulf of Maine Regions. By R.K. Mayo, S.H. Clark, and M.C. Annand. April 1989. NTIS Access. No. PB90-120676/AS.
TM F/NEC-64 The Shell Disease Syndrome in Marine Crustaceans. By C.J. Sindermann. February 1989. NTIS Access. No. PB89-162523/AS.
TM F/NEC-63 Status of the Fishery Resources Off the Northeastern United States for 1988. By Conservation and Utilization Division, Northeast FisheriesCenter. October 1988. NTIS Access. No. PB89-130819/AS.
TM F/NEC-62 The Effects of Density Dependent Population Mechanisms on Assessment Advice for the Northwest Atlantic Mackerel Stock. By W.J. Overholtz, S.A. Murawski, W.L. Michaels, and L.M. Dery. October 1988. NTIS Access. No. PB89-151948/AS.
TM F/NEC-61 Fish as Sentinels of Environmental Health. By R.A. Murchelano. September 1988. NTIS Access. No. PB89-139737/AS.
TM F/NEC-60 Survey of Antarctic Fur Seals in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, during the 1986-1987 Austral Summer. By J.L. Bengtson, L.M. Ferm, T.J. Harkonen, E.G. Schnaner, and B.S. Stewart. September 1988. NTIS Access. No. PB89-141303/AS.
TM F/NEC-59 Surveys of Breeding Penguins and Other Seabirds in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, January-February 1987. By W.D. Shuford and L.B. Spear. September 1988. NTIS Access. No. PB89-141311/AS.
TM F/NEC-58 An Indexed Bibliography of Northeast Fisheries Center Publications and Reports for 1987. By J.A. Gibson. August 1988. NTIS Access. No. PB89-113013/AS.
TM F/NEC-57 An Analysis and Evaluation of Ichthyoplankton Survey Data from the Northeast Continental Shelf Ecosystem. By W.G. Smith, ed. August 1988. NTIS Access. No. PB89-122501/AS.
TM F/NEC-56 Characterization of the Middle Atlantic Water Management Unit of the Northeast Regional Action Plan. By A.L. Pacheco, ed. July 1988. NTIS Access. No. PB89-145262/AS.
TM F/NEC-55 A Plan for Study: Response of the Habitat and Biota of the Inner New York Bight to Abatement of Sewage Sludge Dumping. By Environmental Processes Division, Northeast FisheriesCenter. June 1988. NTIS Access. No. PB89-100903/AS.
TM F/NEC-54 Epizootic Ulcerative Syndromes in Coastal/Estuarine Fish. By C.J. Sindermann. June 1988. NTIS Access. No. PB89-110803/AS.
TM F/NEC-53 Contaminants in Hudson-Raritan Estuary Water and Influence of Cold Storage upon Its Chemical Composition. By A. Calabrese, L.J. Buckley, and J.C. Powell. May 1988. NTIS Access. No. PB88-225628/AS.
TM F/NEC-52 An Evaluation of the Bottom Trawl Survey Program of the Northeast Fisheries Center. By Survey Working Group, Northeast FisheriesCenter. March 1988. NTIS Access. No. PB88-201983/AS.
TM F/NEC-51 An Annotated List of the Fishes of Massachusetts Bay. By B.B. Collette and K.E. Hartel. February 1988. NTIS Access. No. PB88-179247/AS.
TM F/NEC-50 Status of the Fishery Resources Off the Northeastern United States for 1987. By Conservation & Utilization Division, Northeast FisheriesCenter. October 1987. NTIS Access. No. PB88-148549.
TM F/NEC-49 Northeast Fisheries Center Framework for Inshore Research. By Research Planning & Coordination Staff, Northeast FisheriesCenter. July 1987. NTIS Access. No. PB87-232286/AS.
TM F/NEC-48 Indexed Bibliography of the Bay Scallop (Argopecten irradians). By B.D. Sabo (Gibson) and E.W. Rhodes. May 1987. NTIS Access. No. PB87-231411/AS.
TM F/NEC-47 MARMAP Surveys of the Continental Shelf from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, to Cape Sable, Nova Scotia (1977-1984). Atlas No. 2. Annual Distribution Patterns of Fish Larvae. By W.W. Morse, M.P. Fahay, and W.G. Smith. May 1987. NTIS Access. No. PB87-232831/AS.
TM F/NEC-46 Influence of Freshwater Inflows on Estuarine Productivity. By J.G. Turek, T.E. Goodger, T.E. Bigford, and J.S. Nichols. May 1987. NTIS Access. No. PB87-213666/AS.
TM F/NEC-45 Food and Distribution of Juveniles of Seventeen Northwest Atlantic Fish Species, 1973-1976. By R.E. Bowman, T.R. Azarovitz, E.S. Howard, and B.P. Hayden. May 1987. NTIS Access. No. PB87-215851/AS.
TM F/NEC-44 NOAA's Northeast Monitoring Program (NEMP): A Report on Progress of the First Five Years (1979-84) and a Plan for the Future. By R.N. Reid, M.C. Ingham, and J.B. Pearce, eds., and C.E. Warsh (water quality), R.N. Reid (sediments & bottom organisms), A.Y. Cantillo (trace contaminants in tissues), and E. Gould (biological effects), topic coords. May 1987. NTIS Access. No. PB87-210100.
TM F/NEC-43 Status of the fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1986. By Conservation & Utilization Division, Northeast FisheriesCenter. September 1986. NTIS Access. No. PB87-122115/AS.
TM F/NEC-42 Status of the fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1985. By Conservation & Utilization Division, Northeast FisheriesCenter. August 1985. NTIS Access. No. PB86-125473/AS.
TM F/NEC-41 Calculation of standing stocks and energetic requirements of the cetaceans of the northeast United States outer continental shelf. By R.D. Kenney, M.A.M. Hyman, and H.E. Winn. May 1985. NTIS Access. No. PB85-239937/AS.
TM F/NEC-40 Indexing the economic health of the U.S. fishing industry's harvesting sector. By V.J. Norton, M.M. Miller, and E. Kenney. May 1985. NTIS Access. No. PB85-217958/AS.
TM F/NEC-39 USA historical catch data, 1904-82, for major Georges Bank fisheries. By A.M.T. Lange and J.E. Palmer. May 1985. NTIS Access. No. PB85-233948/AS.
TM F/NEC-38 The shelf/slope front south of Nantucket Shoals and Georges Bank as delineated by satellite infrared imagery and shipboard hydrographic and plankton observations. By J.B. Colton, Jr., J.L. Anderson, J.E. O'Reilly, C.A. Evans-Zetlin, and H.G. Marshall. May 1985. NTIS Access. No. PB85-221083/AS.
TM F/NEC-37 Regional action plan. By B.E. Higgins, R. Rehfus, J.B. Pearce, R.J. Pawlowski, R.L. Lippson, T. Goodger, S. Mello Roe, and D.W. Beach. April 1985. NTIS Access. No. PB85-219962/AS.
TM F/NEC-36 Growth and survival of larval fishes in relation to the trophodynamics of Georges Bank cod and haddock. By G.C. Laurence and R.G. Lough. January 1985. NTIS Access. No. PB85-220093/AS.
TM F/NEC-35 Annual NEMP report on the health of the northeast coastal waters, 1982. By J.B. Pearce, C.R. Berman, and M.R. Rosen, eds., and R.N. Reid (benthos), C.E. Warsh (water quality), and E. Gould (biological effects), topic coords. January 1985. NTIS Access. No. PB85-219129/AS.
TM F/NEC-34 Oceanology: biology of the ocean. Volume 2. Biological productivity of the ocean. By M.E. Vinogradov, editor in chief. First printed by Nauka Press, Moscow, 1977. Translated from the Russian by A.L. Peabody. January 1985. NTIS Access. No. PB85-204683/AS.
TM F/NEC-33 MARMAP surveys of the continental shelf from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, to Cape Sable, Nova Scotia (1977-1983). Atlas No. 1. Summary of operations. By J.D. Sibunka and M.J. Silverman. November 1984. NTIS Access. No. PB85-150985/AS.
TM F/NEC-32 Secondary production of benthic macrofauna at three stations of Delaware Bay and coastal Delaware. By S. Howe and W. Leathem. November 1984. NTIS Access. No. PB85-145753/AS.
TM F/NEC-31 Evidence of nearshore summer upwelling off Atlantic City, New Jersey. By M.C. Ingham and J. Eberwine. November 1984. NTIS Access. No. PB85-150290.
TM F/NEC-30 Recent estimates of adult spawning stock biomass off the northeastern United States from MARMAP ichthyoplankton surveys. By P.Berrien, W. Morse, and M. Pennington. July 1984. NTIS Access. No. PB85-108991.
TM F/NEC-29 Status of the fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1983. By E.D. Anderson, ed. July 1984. NTIS Access. No. PB85-106847.
TM F/NEC-28 Food of seventeen species of Northwest Atlantic fish. By R.E. Bowman and W.L. Michaels. January 1984. NTIS Access. No. PB84-219195.
TM F/NEC-27 Pelagic distributions of marine birds off the northeastern United States. By K. D. Powers. November 1983. NTIS Access. No. PB84-187871.
TM F/NEC-26 106-Mile Site characterization update. By J.B. Pearce, D.C. Miller, and C. Berman, eds. August 1983. NTIS Access. No. PB84-118363.
TM F/NEC-25 Histological techniques for marine bivalve mollusks. By D.W. Howard and C.S. Smith. June 1983. NTIS Access. No. PB86-136611A/S. LARGE PDF FILE
TM F/NEC-24 Residual drift and residence time of Georges Bank surface waters with reference to the distribution, transport, and survival of larval fishes. By J.B. Colton, Jr., and J.L. Anderson. June 1983. NTIS Access. No. PB84-107820.
TM F/NEC-23 Nantucket shoals flux experiment data report I. Hydrography. By W.R. Wright. June 1983. NTIS Access. No. PB83-236562.
TM F/NEC-22 Status of the fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1982. By Resource Assessment Division, Northeast FisheriesCenter. June 1983. NTIS Access. No. PB83-236554.
TM F/NEC-21 MARMAP plankton survey manual. By J.W. Jossi and R.R. Marak. March 1983. NTIS Access. No. PB83-210203.
TM F/NEC-20 Annual NEMP report on the health of the northeast coastal waters of the United States, 1981. Northeast Monitoring Program report no. NEMP-IV-82-65. February 1983. NTIS Access. No. PB83-193912.
TM F/NEC-19 Environmental benchmark studies in Casco Bay - Portland Harbor, Maine, April 1980. By P.F. Larsen, A.C. Johnson, and L.F. Doggett. January 1983. NTIS Access. No. PB83-184069.
TM F/NEC-18 Stock discrimination of summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) in the Middle and South Atlantic Bights: results of a workshop. By M.J. Fogarty, G. DeLaney, J.W. Gillikin, Jr., J.C. Poole, D.E. Ralph, P.G. Scarlett, R.W. Smith, and S.J. Wilk. January 1983. NTIS Access. No. PB83-168856.
TM F/NEC-17 Summary of the physical oceanographic processes and features pertinent to pollution distribution in the coastal and offshore waters of the northeastern United States, Virginia to Maine. By M.C. Ingham (ed.), R.S. Armstrong, J.L. Chamberlin, S.K. Cook, D.G. Mountain, R.J. Schlitz, J.P. Thomas, J.J. Bisagni, J.F. Paul, and C.E. Warsh. December 1982. NTIS Access. No. PB83-156364.
TM F/NEC-16 Contaminants in New York Bight and Long Island sediments and demersal species, and contaminant effects on benthos, summer 1980. By R.N. Reid, J.E. O'Reilly, and V.S. Zdanowicz, eds. September 1982. NTIS Access. No. PB83-152116.
TM F/NEC-15 Seasonal phytoplankton assemblages in northeastern coastal waters of the United States. By H.G. Marshall and M.S. Cohn. July 1982. NTIS Access. No. PB83-116715.
TM F/NEC-14 Ecosystem definition and community structure of the macrobenthos of the NEMP monitoring station at Pigeon Hill in the Gulf of Maine. By A.W. Hulbert, K.J. Pecci, J.D. Witman, L.G. Harris, J.R. Sears, and R.A. Cooper. May 1982. NTIS Access. No. PB83-112474.
TM F/NEC-13 Gulf and Atlantic survey for selected organic pollutants in finfish. By P.D. Boehm and P. Hirtzer. April 1982. NTIS Access. No. PB82-254111.
TM F/NEC-12 Status of the fishery resources off the northeastern United States for 1981. By Resource Assessment Division, Northeast FisheriesCenter. January 1982. NTIS Access. No. PB82-184946.
TM F/NEC-11 Proceedings of the Summer Flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) Age and Growth Workshop, 20-21 May 1980, Northeast Fisheries Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. By R.W. Smith, L.M. Dery, P.G. Scarlett, and A. Jearld, Jr. December 1981. NTIS Access. No. PB82-174921.
TM F/NEC-10 Annual NEMP report on the health of the northeast coastal waters of the United States, 1980. Northeast Monitoring Program report no. NEMP IV 81 A-H0043. August 1981. Revised and reprinted January 1982. NTIS Access No. PB82-124587.
TM F/NEC-9 Phytoplankton community structure in northeastern coastal waters of the United States. II. November 1978. By H.G. Marshall and M.S. Cohn. August 1981. Revised and reprinted October 1981. NTIS Access. No. PB82-124579.
TM F/NEC-8 Phytoplankton community structure in northeastern coastal waters of the United States. I. October 1978. By H.G. Marshall and M.S. Cohn. August 1981. Revised and reprinted October 1981. NTIS Access. No. PB82-124561.
TM F/NEC-7 Methodology for identification and analysis of fishery management options. By B.J. Rothschild, R.C. Hennemuth, J.J. Dykstra, L.C. Murphy, Jr., J.C. Bryson, and J.D. Ackert. December 1980. NTIS Access. No. PB81-200834.
TM F/NEC-6 Economic and biological data needs for fisheries management, with particular reference to the New England and Mid-Atlantic areas. By G.D. Marchesseault, J.J. Mueller, and I.E. Strand, Jr. December 1980. NTIS Access. No. PB81-200008.
TM F/NEC-5 The status of the marine fishery resources off the northeastern United States. By M.M. McBride and B.E. Brown. December 1980. NTIS Access. No. PB81-199903.
TM F/NEC-4 Fishery management techniques, a review. By M.P. Sissenwine and J.E. Kirkley. October 1980. NTIS Access. No. PB81-198780.
TM F/NEC-3 Northeast Fishery Management Taskforce Definition of Management Units. By E.D. Anderson and G.D. Marchesseault. October 1980. NTIS Access. No. PB81-200016.
TM F/NEC-2 History and status of the Atlantic Demersal Finfish Fishery Management Plan. By GD Marchesseault, RP Ruais, and D-H Wang. October 1980. NTIS Access. No. PB81-199515.
TM F/NEC-1 Overview document of the Northeast Fishery Management Task Force, Phase I. By R.C. Hennemuth, B.J. Rothschild, L.G. Anderson, and W.A. Lund, Jr. October 1980. NTIS Access. No. PB81-202343.
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