National Weather Service Upper Air Measurements (NWSUPA)

Information updated on July 22, 2011, 5:28 pm GMT

General Data Description

These data are NWS soundings covering all three ARM sites. Some of these data are high temporal resolution (6 seconds and 1 second) others are only for mandatory and significant levels. Most of these data sets were provided by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).

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Data Stream Names

Measurement Description

There is a separate netCDF file for each sounding. The measurements in the netCDF files are the same as in the ASCII input files described below.

Description of ASCII Files:

Note: All data files (except for sgp06snwsupaX1.00 and sgp01snwsupaX1.00 which are daily) are monthly, i.e. they contain all the soundings for the given month.


6 second high resolution upper air soundings for the Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes EXperiment (VORTEX) These data are in columnar ASCII format

The soundings were typically released at 00 and 12 UTC, however, several stations had additional launches on an as requested basis, particularily Norman OK (OUN).

The following data are reported:

  • Time(accumulated seconds),
  • Pressure(Pa),
  • Altitude(m),
  • Temperature(K),
  • Dewpoint(K),
  • Wind Speed(m/s),
  • Wind Direction(deg.),
  • Longitude(degrees.minutes),
  • Latitude(degrees.minutes).
Quality Code (Qc) Description:
Code      Description
  0 Unchecked Dataum; QC information is missing.                
  1 Checked, datum seems physically reasonable. No physical reason observed to 
    question datum.                              
  2 Checked, datum seems questionable on a physical basis. The user should 
    exercise caution when using data with this flag. 
  3 Checked, datum appears to be in error. The user is strongly encouraged not 
    to use data with this flag.                  
  8 Checked (Wind data only), wind datum was computed or interpolated from bad 
    or outlier original position data. A least squares fit was applied to a 
    running 2-min. 
Missing Data Values:  -999 means data are missing




See sample sounding under "Example Data" below.

          All upper air soundings were converted to University Corporation
     for Atmospheric Research/Joint Office for Science Support (UCAR/JOSS)
     Cross Chain LORAN Atmospheric Sounding System (CLASS) Format
     (JCF).  JCF is a version of the National Center for Atmospheric Research
     (NCAR) CLASS format and is an ASCII format consisting of 15 header
     records for each sounding followed by the data records with associated QC
     Header Records
          The header records (15 total records) contain data type, project ID,
     site ID, site location, release time, sonde type, meteorological and wind
     data processors, and the operator's name and comments.  The first five
     header lines contain information identifying the sounding, and have a
     rigidly defined form.  The following 7 header lines are used for auxiliary
     information and comments about the sounding, and may vary from dataset
     to dataset.  The last 3 header records contain header information for the
     data columns.  Line 13 holds the field names, line 14 the field units, and
     line 15 contains dashes ('-' characters) delineating the extent of the 
          The five standard header lines are as follows:
          Line  Label (padded to 35 char)              Contents
            1   Data Type:                        Description of type and
                                                    resolution of data.
            2   Project ID:                       ID of weather project.
            3   Release Site Type/Site ID:        Description of launch site.
            4   Release Location (lon,lat,alt):   Position of launch site,
                                                    in format described below.
            5   UTC Release Time (y,m,d,h,m,s):   Time of release, in format:
                                                    yyyy, mm, dd, hh:mm:ss
            6   Ascension No:                     Ascension number of the
                                                    site for the year .
            7   Radiosonde Serial Number:         Serial number of this 
            8   Radiosonde Manufacturer:          Manufacturer of this 
          The release location is given as:  lon (deg min), lat (deg min), lon
     (dec. deg), lat (dec. deg), alt (m)
          Longitude in deg min is in the format:  ddd'W where ddd
     is the number of degrees from True North (with leading zeros if
     necessary), is the decimal number of minutes, and W represents
     W or E for west or east longitude, respectively. Latitude has the same
     format as longitude, except there are only two digits for degrees and N or
     S for north/south latitude. The decimal equivalent of longitude and 
     latitude and station elevation follow.
          The seven non-standard header lines may contain any label and
     contents.  The label is padded to 35 characters to match the standard
     header lines.   
     Data Records
          The data records each contain time from release, pressure,
     temperature, dewpoint, relative humidity, U and V wind components, wind
     speed and direction, ascent rate, balloon position data, altitude, and 
     quality control flags (see the QC code description).  Each data line 
     contains 21 fields, separated by spaces, with a total width of 130 
     characters.  The data are right-justified within the fields.  All fields
     have one decimal place of precision, with the exception of latitude and
     longitude, which have three decimal places of precision.  The contents
     and sizes of the 21 fields that appear in each data record are as follows:
     Field     Format
     No.   Width          Parameter               Units               Missing 
       1     6  F6.1  Time                        Seconds             9999.0
       2     6  F6.1  Pressure                    Millibars           9999.0
       3     5  F5.1  Dry-bulb Temperature        Degrees C            999.0
       4     5  F5.1  Dew Point Temperature       Degrees C            999.0
       5     5  F5.1  Relative Humidity           Percent              999.0
       6     6  F6.1  U Wind Component            Meters / Second     9999.0
       7     6  F6.1  V Wind Component            Meters / Second     9999.0
       8     5  F5.1  Wind Speed                  Meters / Second      999.0
       9     5  F5.1  Wind Direction              Degrees              999.0
      10     5  F5.1  Ascension Rate              Meters / Second      999.0
      11     8  F8.3  Longitude                   Degrees             9999.0
      12     7  F7.3  Latitude                    Degrees              999.0
      13     5  F5.1  Range                       Kilometers           999.0
      14     5  F5.1  Azimuth                     Degrees              999.0
      15     7  F7.1  Altitude                    Meters             99999.0
      16     4  F4.1  QC for Pressure             Code (see below)      99.0
      17     4  F4.1  QC for Temperature          Code (see below)      99.0
      18     4  F4.1  QC for Humidity             Code (see below)      99.0
      19     4  F4.1  QC for U Component          Code (see below)      99.0
      20     4  F4.1  QC for V Component          Code (see below)      99.0
      21     4  F4.1  QC for Ascension Rate       Code (see below)      99.0
          Fields 16 through 21 contain the Quality Control information
     derived at the UCAR Joint Office for Science Support (UCAR/JOSS). 
     Any QC information from the original sounding is replaced by the
     following JOSS codes:
     Code      Description
     99.0  Unchecked (QC information is "missing.")  ("UNCHECKED")
     1.0   Checked, datum seems physically reasonable.  ("GOOD")
     2.0   Checked, datum seems questionable on physical basis.("MAYBE")
     3.0   Checked, datum seems to be in error.  ("BAD")
     4.0   Checked, datum is interpolated.  ("ESTIMATED")
     9.0   Checked, datum was missing in original file.  ("MISSING")

These data contain soundings at mandatory and significant levels in BUFR format.


ASCII files in spreadsheet format. See sample sounding under "Example Data" below. These data were obtained from NCAR and are WMO soundings at mandatory and significant levels.

  • latitude and longitude of station (degrees)
  • station elevation (meters)
  • pressure (millibars)
  • geopotential height (meters)
  • temperature (degrees C)
  • dewpoint depression (degrees C)
  • wind direction (degrees)
  • wind speed (knots)
  • quality marks for geopotential height, temperature, dewpoint depression and wind

For further information on these data, see the NCAR Web site for these data sets. The quality codes are discussed in Office Note 29 linked to this web page.

Temporal Coverage

nsa06snwsupabrwX1.b1April 1996 - present*
nsa06snwsupafaiX1.00April 1996 - December 2000
sgpnwsupaX1.00April 1993 - October 1998
sgp06snwsupaX1.00 April 1994 - September 1995
sgp06snwsupaabqX1.00April 1996 - December 2000
sgp06nwsupaddcX1.b1April 1996 - June 11, 2010
sgp01nwsupaddcX1.b1June 22,2010 - present*
sgp06snwsupaounX1.b1April 1996 - October 2006
sgp01snwsupaounX1.b1November 2006 - present*
spg06snwsupatopX1.b1April 1996 - March 31,2009
spg01snwsupatopX1.b1April 1, 2009 - present*
twp06snwsupagumX1.00 April 1996 - December 2000
twp06snwsupahtoX1.00 April 1996 - December 2000
twp06snwsupamkjX1.00 April 1996 - December 2000
twp06snwsupastuX1.00April 1996 - December 2000
twp06snwsupatkkX1.00 April 1996 - December 2000
twp06snwsupatpnX1.00 April 1996 - December 2000
twp06snwsupatroX1.00 April 1996 - December 2000
twp06snwsupatyaX1.00 April 1996 - December 2000
twp06snwsupawakX1.00April 1996 - May 1997
twp06snwsupahliX1.00April 1996 - December 2000
twpwmoupaX1.00October 1996 - October 1999
* There is about a three month delay in receiving new data.

Area Covered

nsa06snwsupabrwX1.b1 - Barrow, Alaska
nsa06snwsupafaiX1.00 - Fairbanks, Alaska

sgpnwsupaX1.00 - Covers the entire Continental United States

Twelve NWS sounding stations in the VORTEX domain (lat 31N : 40N lon 91W: 107W).

        Lat     Lon             Station Name
        31.8    -106.4          El Paso, TX
        32.0    -102.2          Midland, TX
        32.5    -93.8           Shreveport, LA
        32.8    -97.8           Ft. Worth, TX
        34.8    -92.3           North Little Rock, AR
        35.0    -106.6          Albuquerque, NM
        35.2    -97.4           Norman, OK
        35.2    -101.7          Amarillo, TX
        37.2    -93.4           Springfield, MO
        37.8    -100            Dodge City, KS
        39.1    -95.6           Topeka, KS
        39.8    -104.9          Denver, CO

sgp06snwsupaabqX1.00 - Albuquerque, NM
sgp06nwsupaddcX1.b1 - Dodge City, Kansas
sgp01nwsupaddcX1.b1 - Dodge City, Kansas
sgp06snwsupaounX1.b1 - Norman, OK
sgp01snwsupaounX1.b1 - Norman, OK
spg06snwsupatopX1.b1 - Topeka, Kansas
spg01snwsupatopX1.b1 - Topeka, Kansas

twp06snwsupagumX1.00 - Guam, Marianna Is (144 48.00'E, 13 30.00'N)
twp06snwsupahtoX1.00 - Hilo, HI (155 06.00'W, 19 42.00'N)
twp06snwsupamkjX1.00 - Majuro, Marshall Is (171 24.00'E, 7 06.00'N)
twp06snwsupastuX1.00 - Pago Pago, Am Samoa (170 42.00'W, 14 18.00'S)
twp06snwsupatkkX1.00 - Moen Is, Micro. (151 48.00'E, 7 24.00')
twp06snwsupatpnX1.00 - Ponape, ECI (158 12.00'E, 7 00.00'N)
twp06snwsupatroX1.00 - Koror, Palau Is, Micro. (134 30.00'E, 7 18.00'N)
twp06snwsupatyaX1.00 - Yap, WCI (138 06.00'E, 9 30.00'N)
twp06snwsupawakX1.00 - Wake Island (166 39.00'E, 19 17.00'N)
twp06snwsupahliX1.00 - Lihue, HI (159 24.00'W, 22 00.00'N)
Click here for map of station locations

List of 32 stations
Map of station locations

Data Stream Inputs


Notification Form Link


Data Source

  • Institution
  • National Center for Atmospheric Research

Data User Notes

The following information was obtained from Ed Westwater:

See the powerpoint presentation at XDC web site

Slide 1. Shows how our RAOB launches were conducted: At the Great White, the operational procedure was followed, except for the Saturday and Sunday launches. At the ARM Duplex, we launched 4/day of the RS-90 sondes. On 8 separate occasions at the Duplex, we launched the Snow Whites, which contained a Chilled Mirror and a Carbon Hygristor humidity element. On the same balloon the RS90s were also attached. Two-synoptic launches/day were conducted by the NWS at Barrow, using the VIZ Carbon Hygristor sondes. A data set of about 200 radiosondes was obtained during the WVIOP.

Slide2. Shows the dramatic difference between the performance of the carbon hygristor and the RS90. The plot on the right shows a single launch of the 5 sensors. The plot in the upper right shows the significant statistical difference between the NWS and the RS90 that approaches 20 % in the upper troposphere-lower stratosphere. The lower left plot shows that there was little, if any, difference between the RS90 and the Chilled Mirror. Bottom line: the Barrow NWS sondes would be of very limited value for long term climate studies or for satellite validation.

Slide 3. Shows the PWV as measured by all of the RAOB types. Bottom line: the PWV from the NWS sondes is also biased, but the agreement between the Chilled Mirror and the RS90 is excellent.

On November 13, 2006 the Norman, OK changed over to the Radiosonde Replacement System (RRS). With the change to RRS there were some changes in the instrumentation and data processing:
1) The winds are now from a GPS.
2) The data are now at 1 second vertical resolution.
3) There is some additional information in the header records.
4) The smoothed and processed version of the data have been used. Corrections, such as the solar radiation correction, have been applied.

Additional Information:
The GPS data are smoothed to remove the erratic and pendular motion of the sonde.

The PTH and GPS data are processed by applying normalization, correction, smoothing, outlier removal, and data plausibility checks to the raw PTH and smoothed GPS data.

The raw wind data are nomalized by linear interpolation into 1 second processed data.

For pressure the smoothing is performed over 11 seconds of corrected pressure and the result is applied to the 6th pressure element in the 11 second spread. A least squares formula is utilized.

For temperature the smoothing is performed over 9 seconds of corrected temperature and the result is applied to the 5th temperature element in the 9 second spread. A running mean is utilized.

Pressure correction is used to compensate for offsets of the sonde pressure sensor compared to the surface pressure sensor.

Temperature correction is used to compensate for solar radiation,

Example Data




 Sample Data
          The following is a sample record of SGP99 NWS High-Resolution 
     Upper-Air data in JOSS CLASS format.   The data portion is much 
     longer than 80 characters and, therefore, wraps around to a second
     line.  See section 2.1 for an exact format specification
Data Type:                         National Weather Service Sounding.
Project ID:                        0
Release Site Type/Site ID:         EPZ Santa Teresa, NM
Release Location (lon,lat,alt):    106 42.00'W, 31 54.00'N, -106.7,  31.9,
UTC Release Time (y,m,d,h,m,s):    1999, 06, 30, 23:04:00
Ascension No:                      1357
Radiosonde Serial Number:          906556213
Radiosonde Manufacturer:           Vaisala
Nominal Release Time (y,m,d,h,m,s):1999, 07, 01, 00:00:00
 Time  Press  Temp  Dewpt  RH    Ucmp   Vcmp   spd   dir   Wcmp     Lon  
   Lat   Ele   Azi    Alt    Qp   Qt   Qrh  Qu   Qv   QdZ
  sec    mb     C     C     %     m/s    m/s   m/s   deg   m/s      deg  
   deg   deg   deg     m    code code code code code code
------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- -------- 
------- ----- ----- ------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
   0.0  868.1  40.0   4.0  11.0    3.6    2.1   4.1 240.0 999.0 -106.700 
 31.900 999.0 999.0  1257.0  2.0  2.0  2.0 99.0 99.0  9.0
   6.0  865.0  39.3   6.9  14.0 9999.0 9999.0 999.0 999.0   5.8 9999.000 
999.000 999.0 999.0  1292.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  9.0  9.0 99.0
  12.0  861.8  38.6   9.2  17.0 9999.0 9999.0 999.0 999.0   5.7 9999.000 
999.000 999.0 999.0  1326.0  2.0  2.0  2.0  9.0  9.0 99.0

  94846 99  8  1    0 ADPUPAC2       7.20 259.40    4. 48568    0.00  11
 STACKED DATA         47
     1    1007.0   99999.0      26.0       2.3     999.0     999.0     
     2    1000.0      72.0      26.6       5.0     240.0       9.0     
     3     993.0   99999.0      27.0       6.0     999.0     999.0     
     4     925.0   99999.0      22.8       4.2     999.0     999.0     
     5     919.0   99999.0      23.0       6.0     999.0     999.0     
     6     850.0    1492.0      17.6       3.4     235.0      11.0 
     7     811.0   99999.0      14.6       2.2     999.0     999.0         
     8     804.0   99999.0      15.4       3.8     999.0     999.0     
     9     733.0   99999.0       9.8       3.3     999.0     999.0     
    10     700.0    3127.0       8.4       6.0     265.0      30.0     
    11     691.0   99999.0       8.2       7.0     999.0     999.0     
    12     670.0   99999.0       7.2       7.0     999.0     999.0     
    13     652.0   99999.0       5.6       2.4     999.0     999.0     
    14     639.0   99999.0       6.0       6.0     999.0     999.0     
    15     605.0   99999.0       3.2       3.8     999.0     999.0     
    16     562.0   99999.0       0.0       4.1     999.0     999.0     
    17     534.0   99999.0      -1.1       6.0     999.0     999.0     
    18     500.0    5850.0      -5.7       5.0     205.0      12.0     
    19     464.0   99999.0      -9.5       6.0     999.0     999.0     
    20     448.0   99999.0     -11.3       3.1     999.0     999.0     
    21     418.0   99999.0     -12.7       7.0     999.0     999.0     
    22     400.0    7570.0     -14.9       9.0     130.0      22.0     
    23     382.0   99999.0     -17.5      10.0     999.0     999.0     
    24     333.0   99999.0     -24.9       2.9     999.0     999.0     
    25     300.0    9680.0     -30.7       2.8      35.0      17.0     
    26     258.0   99999.0     -40.1       3.2     999.0     999.0     
    27     250.0   10940.0     -41.9       3.4      20.0      19.0     
    28     200.0   12410.0     -54.7       4.7      75.0      27.0     
    29     190.0   99999.0     -57.3       5.0     999.0     999.0     
    30     150.0   14190.0     -68.7       6.0      75.0      47.0  
    31     109.0   99999.0     -82.9       7.0     999.0     999.0 T   
    32     103.0   99999.0     -82.9       7.0     999.0     999.0     
    33     100.0   16520.0     -78.1       7.0      80.0      53.0     
    34      94.8   99999.0     -69.3       1.6     999.0     999.0     
    35      87.0   99999.0     -65.1       6.0     999.0     999.0     
    36      75.5   99999.0     -69.3       6.0     999.0     999.0     
    37      70.0   18680.0     -65.5       6.0     100.0      22.0     
    38      68.6   99999.0     -64.3       6.0     999.0     999.0     
    39      60.8   99999.0     -62.7       7.0     999.0     999.0     
    40      51.8   99999.0     -65.9      17.0     999.0     999.0     
    41      50.0   20720.0     -64.7       8.0      80.0      13.0     
    42      43.1   99999.0     -60.9       8.0     999.0     999.0     
    43      38.5   99999.0     -62.1       8.0     999.0     999.0     
    44      30.0   23890.0     -58.5      10.0      80.0      16.0     
    45      24.9   99999.0     -50.5      11.0     999.0     999.0     
    46      20.0   26490.0     -54.7      13.0     120.0      24.0     
    47      12.8   99999.0     -46.5      20.0     999.0     999.0     
 WIND BY HEIGHT         20
              1         4.0       230.0         3.0        
              2       300.0       210.0         9.0        
              3       600.0       215.0        14.0        
              4       900.0       225.0        13.0        
              5      1200.0       230.0        10.0   
              6      1800.0       200.0        13.0        
              7      2100.0       260.0        17.0        
              8      2400.0       255.0        23.0        
              9      2700.0       255.0        27.0        
             10      3600.0       260.0        27.0        
             11      4200.0       260.0        20.0        
             12      4800.0       270.0        18.0        
             13      6000.0       200.0        13.0        
             14      7500.0       135.0        20.0        
             15      9000.0        65.0        14.0        
             16     10500.0        20.0        23.0        
             17     15000.0        80.0        46.0        
             18     16200.0        80.0        54.0        
             19     21000.0        65.0        13.0        
             20     24000.0        90.0        17.0     


ADPUPA	Automatic Data Processing, UPper-Air data file
BUFR	Binary Universal Format for the Representation of meteorological data
CLASS	Cross Chain LORAN Atmospheric Sounding System 
JOSS	Joint Office for Science Support
NCAR	National Center for Atmospheric Research
NSA	North Slope of Alaska
NWS	National Weather Service
SGP	Southern Great Plains
TWP	Tropical Western Pacific
UCAR	University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
UPA	Upper Air
VORTEX	Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes EXperiment
WMO	World Meteorological Organization 

Citable References

Loehrer, S. M., T. A. Edmands, and J. A. Moore, 1996: TOGA COARE upper-air sounding data archive: development and quality control procedures. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 77, 2651-2671.

Loehrer, S. M., S. F. Williams, and J. A. Moore, 1998: Results from UCAR/JOSS quality control of atmospheric soundings from field projects. Preprints, Tenth Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation, Phoenix, AZ, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 1-6.

NWS, 1991: Micro-ART Observation and Rework Programs Technical Document, National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington, D.C., March 1991.

Wade, C. G., 1995: Calibration and data reduction problems affecting National Weather Service radiosonde humidity measurements. Preprints, Ninth Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation, Charlotte, NC, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 37-42.

Williams, S. F., C. G. Wade, and C. Morel, 1993: A comparison of high resolution radiosonde winds: 6-second Micro-ART winds versus 10-second CLASS LORAN winds. Preprints, Eighth Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation, Anaheim, California, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 60-65.

Williams, S. F., S. M. Loehrer, and D. R. Gallant, 1998: Computation of high-resolution National Weather Service rawinsonde winds. Preprints, Tenth Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation, Phoenix, AZ, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 387-391.