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Study Type: 
Submission:  ERA000217 by on 2010-02-16 14:50:56
Abstract:  An estimated 930,000 transposon mutants in S. Typhimurium have been assayed using Illumina nucleotide sequencing from within the transposon into the adjacent target DNA. Using TraDIS (Transposon Directed Insertion-site Sequencing), we have been able to map ~550,000 unique transposon insertion sites to the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium chromosome. This has allowed us to assay simultaneously every gene in the genome for essentiality and generate a genome-wide list of candidate essential genes.
Description:  n/a
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Total: 2 12.3 M 441.4 M
download ERX002616 6.3 M 225.5 M
ERR009073 6.3 M 225.5 M
download ERX002617 6.0 M 215.9 M
ERR009074 6.0 M 215.9 M