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Homeland Security through Community Policing

Whether it's a robbery at a local gas station, sale of drugs, or money laundering, in today's world fighting crime is fighting terrorism. When tragedy strikes, as it did on September 11, local law enforcement is often the first responder. Protecting our homeland is vital to our quality of life. And the relationships that have been established or enhanced through community policing are at the core of public safety and homeland security.

Where Community Policing Fits In

In the years since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the role of law enforcement has gained recognition as vital to the nation's safety and security. The law enforcement community has risen to this challenge. Information exchange between local, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement and homeland security partners has improved tremendously, thanks to advances in technology, improved partnership between federal, state and local authorities, and greater trust between police and the communities they serve.

Recognizing that September 11 led to a new dimension in American policing, the COPS Office, in partnership with the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), hosted a Criminal Intelligence Sharing Summit in the months following the terrorist attacks. The summit itself led to watershed documents such as the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Planicon: external link.

The COPS Office remains committed to helping local, state, and tribal law enforcement protect the homeland and has continued to convene meetings of public safety leaders to discuss and implement next steps. These meetings have raised awareness of essential matters such as the Information Sharing Environment, fusion centers, and intelligence-led policing. By working together we can build on the trust relationships law enforcement has established or enhanced through community policing to increase terrorism prevention efforts. To assist in protecting the homeland, COPS has developed the following resources on effective ways to combat and prevent terrorism.


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