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Patterns, Place and Community: Policing with an Analytic Edge


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Resources on Crime Analysis

You can order the publications and CDs listed below by calling the COPS Response Center at 1-800-421-6770 or by using the COPS Publications Request Formicon: pdf. Many publications can also be read online or downloaded. 

Geography & Public Safety Bulletin
The National Institute of Justice, together with the COPS Office, publishes (both in print and online) a quarterly bulletin on geography and public safety. The Geography & Public Safety Bulletin covers topics such as mapping, problem analysis, and the geography of crime.

Articles in G&PS are geared toward practitioners in law enforcement and criminal justice agencies. They cover current and innovative topics in spatial analysis of crime. The December 2009 issue of G&PS icon: pdf, for example, examines the concept of "neighborhood" from several perspectives relevant to community policing.

You can subscribe online to the Geography & Public Safety Bulletin.


Crime Analysis, General

Integrated Intelligence and Crime Analysis (2009)icon: pdf

Crime Analysis and Crime Mapping Information Clearinghouse 8th Edition (2003)icon: pdf

Crime Analysis in America: Findings and Recommendations (2003)icon: pdf


Crime Analysis for Problem Solving

Analyzing Crime Displacement and Diffusion (2009)icon: pdf

Enhancing the Problem Solving Capacity of Crime Analysis Units (2008)icon: pdf

Using Crime Prevention through Environmental Design in Problem Solving (2007)icon: pdf

How To Correctly Collect and Analyze Racial Profiling Data: Your Reputation Depends on It (2006)icon: pdf

Using Analysis for Problem Solving (2006)icon: pdf

Analyzing Repeat Victimization (2005)icon: pdf

Crime Analysis for Problem Solvers in 60 Small Steps (2005)icon: pdf

Assessing Responses to Problems: An Introductory Guide for Police Problem Solvers (2004) icon: pdf


Crime Mapping

Mapping for Community Based Prisoner Reentry (2007)icon: pdf

Users' Guide to Mapping Software 6th Edition (2004)icon: pdf

Frequently Asked Questions of Crime Analysis and Mapping (2001)icon: pdf

Manual of Crime Analysis Map Production (2001)icon: pdf

Geocoding in Law Enforcement, Final Report (2000)icon: pdf

Guidelines to Implement and Evaluate Crime Analysis and Crime Mapping (2000)icon: pdf

Integrating Community Policing and Computer Mapping (2000)icon: pdf


Training and Technical Assistance


Additional Resources

International Association of Crime Analystsicon: external link
IACA assists crime analysts by providing valuable information, a yearly conference, and managing a listserv.  It also offers crime analysts professional development via certification through examination. Upon passing the examination, the crime analyst will become a Certified Law Enforcement Analyst (CLEA). The IACA also offers a professional training series, which includes five-day modules covering: Fundamentals of Crime Analysis, Tactical Crime Analysis, Problem Analysis, Computer Applications for Crime Mapping, and Crime Mapping.

You can also visit the IACA web siteicon: external link to locate regional associations that serve crime analysts.

National Institute of Justice: Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety (MAPS)

The MAPS program provides research in spatial data analysis, mapping and analysis used for evaluation programs and policies. It also holds an annual conference. The MAPS web site also provides links to various free crime mapping software, such as Crime Stat and FacilityCop.

The MAPS program and the COPS Office together publish the Geography and Public Safety Bulletin, available both in print and online.



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Community Policing Topics > Patterns, Place and Community: Policing with an Analytic Edge > Patterns, Place and Community: Policing with an Analytic Edge Resources