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Are there additional regulatory considerations for research involving prisoners?

Yes, in addition to the requirements of subpart A, subpart C of the HHS regulations at 45 CFR part 46 identifies more requirements for research involving prisoners. In summary, the major additional considerations are:

  • the exemptions that generally apply to certain types of research involving human subjects do not apply to research involving prisoners (45 CFR 46.101, footnote 1);
  • in order to approve research involving prisoners, the IRB must find that the proposed research falls into one of the permissible categories of research, and make six other findings;
  • the institution must certify to OHRP that an IRB has reviewed the proposal and made seven required findings, and receive OHRP authorization prior to initiating any research involving prisoners; (45 CFR 46.305(c))
  • the IRB must include a prisoner or prisoner representative, (45 CFR 46.304(b)) and meet a membership requirement concerning the number of IRB members not associated with a prison involved in the research; (45 CFR 46.304(a))and
  • Secretarial waiver of informed consent in certain emergency research is not applicable to research involving prisoners (61 FR 51531, October 2, 1996)

Last Reviewed: 01/20/2011

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