Find Out About: Paul Laurence Dunbar House
Learn more about Paul Laurence Dunbar and his many literary works on African-American culture, life, and the struggle for civil rights, including Lyrics of a Lowly Life and "Ode to Ethiopia".

Did You Know? Arna Wendell Bontemps House
See how the Louisiana birthplace of Crisis writer and novelist Arna Wendell Bontemps inspired African-American literature about life in the South.

Find Out About: Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, House and Farm Yard
Discover the rural Florida home and eccentric community that inspired Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings best-selling novels, like The Yearling, and well-known sketches.

Did You Know? Dorchester Academy Boys' Dormitory
History in the Halls: Discover a never-ending quest for knowledge at Georgia's Dorchester Academy. Thousands learned and lived here, from African-American youth in the 1890s to rights activists in the 1960s.

Find Out About: Abyssinian Meeting House 
More than just a church! See how this place of worship was the hub of Portland, Maine's African-American community, and touched lives as one of the northernmost "stops" of the Underground Railroad.

Did You Know? Fort Lyon 
The 10th Cavalry was one of many all-black troops nicknamed "Buffalo Soldiers." Historic Fort Lyon was home to Buffalo Soldiers during battles for the western frontier in the 1800s.

Find Out About: Bethel Baptist Church, Parsonage, and Guard House 
Even dynamite couldn't stop this Birmingham, Alabama, community! Here you can explore the infamous attack on the Bethel Baptist Church and the church's prominent place in Civil Rights history.

Did You Know? Reverend J. Edward Nash, Sr. House 
Buffalo, NY, would not be the same without Rev. J. Edward Nash. Explore the home where this well-respected man worked to advance the lives of African-Americans in his community and throughout the country.

Find Out About: Foster Auditorium 
Through President John F. Kennedy, black and white college students, Governor George Wallace, and others, re-live the dramatic events that took place at the University of Alabama in 1963.

Did You Know? Howard High School 
Did you know the Brown vs. Board of Education case involved five schools? Many considered Delaware's Howard High School one of the finest in the country, but citizens battled to end discrimination.

Find Out About: Dorsey-Jones House 
Explore life as a fugitive in the Civil War era. Understand how two families constantly struggled to avoid capture through the stories of this Massachusetts home.

Did You Know? African American Historic Resources in Prince George's County, MD MPS
Nearly 400 years of history resides in Prince George's, Maryland. Uncover the places where African-Americans, from slaves to 20th century entrepreneurs, influenced our nation's history.

Find Out About: Hotel Theresa 
This massive Manhattan hotel hosted renowned guests of the African-American community, like Malcolm X, as well as foreign dignitaries, like Castro and Khrushchev. Click here to see amazing photographs and more!

Did You Know? The Campground 
This land served as a Confederate soldier camp during the Civil War, and later became of the largest African-American neighborhoods of the South. Investigate the unique streets and style of the Mobile , Alabama, historic district.

Find Out About: Hinchliffe Stadium 
The House "Satchel" Paige Built? Investigate the home turf of the Negro League's remarkable New York Black Yankees - many who played here became Major League Baseball Hall-of-Famers!

Did You Know? Xavier University Main Building, Convent and Library 
A Saintly Story: A nun, who later became Saint Katherine, founded Xavier University in 1915 to educate bright young African-Americans. Roam the halls of this institution of knowledge and faith.

Find Out About: Ivey Delph Apartments 
6 Floors and many "firsts"! This NYC project was the 1st of its kind: built by and for African-Americans and designed by the first African-American licensed architect - Vertner Tandy.

Did You Know? African-American Historic Resources of Alexandria, Virginia MPS
Alexandria is one of our nation's oldest ports, and African-Americans greatly influenced the city's culture and structure over the past 350+ years. Explore many buildings and stories preserved in the streets of Alexandria, VA.

Find Out About: Carver Theatre 
Carver Theatre, a concert hall and cinema, was a refuge of laughter for the African-American community of Columbus, SC. Find out how Waverly neighborhood businesses thrived in spite of Jim Crow laws.

Did You Know? Union Bethel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church 
This large brick church is the center of the Great Fall's Baptist community. The Union Bethel congregation began in the late 19th century and continues to prosper today.

Find Out About: Public Schools of Washington, DC MPS
DC Public Schools are a symbol of pride and a reminder of the segregation era. There is much to discover inside these school halls: great architecture, famous graduates, and important Civil Rights victories.

Did You Know? American Beach Historic District
Scenic ocean-front homes, resorts, and sandy beaches: The Amelia Island, Florida, historic district represents some of the best beach property built for and by African-Americans during Jim Crow times.

Find Out About:Hurricane of 1928 African American Mass Grave
A devastating natural disaster left nearly 700 African-Americans dead in Florida. Learn more about the famous book inspired by the event, the community, and the elaborate memorial service.