Curriculum Programs
Advanced Placement
Career and Technical Education
Early Childhood Education
English as a Second Language (ESL)
English Language Arts (ELA)
Gifted Education
Health Education
Host Nation Studies
Information Centers
Physical Education
Social Studies
Special Education
Virtual School Program
World Language

Fine Arts

Tell me and I will forget 

Show me and I will remember 

Involve me and I will understand  

~ Chinese Proverb

DoDEA Fine Arts is inclusive of Music, Visual Arts, and Theater programs, to include Humanities class offerings. All are central to the education and growth of the whole child. Fine Arts curricula epitomize the concepts of 21st Century Teaching and Learning through student engagement of critical thinking & problem solving; creativity & innovation, communication & collaboration. “The arts humanize the curriculum while affirming the interconnectedness of all forms of knowing. They are a powerful means to improve general education." ~ Charles Fowler. 

Fine Arts programs: 

  • Provide an environment that encourages the development of student’s aesthetic awareness and skills. 
  • Provide opportunities in which students are challenged to develop and demonstrate the critical thinking and problem solving processes and proficiencies involved with creation, interpretation, communication, and learning, in and through visual arts, music and drama.

fine arts photos

Contact Information

Fine Arts ISS Coordinator for Visual Arts, Music and Drama
4800 Mark Center Drive
Alexandria VA 22350-1400
Phone: 571-372-6027