The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (N C C A M): Part of the National Institutes of Health

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NCCAM Strategic Planning Process

The year-long process of developing this strategic plan was carried out under the auspices of the National Advisory Council for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Throughout the process, NCCAM also sought guidance and input from its diverse community of scientific and practitioner stakeholders, experts in health communications, and members of the general public through a series of workshops and symposia and several opportunities to provide comment through the NCCAM Web site.

NCCAM is grateful to its Advisory Council members, stakeholder organizations, members of the public, and individual experts who contributed their time and thoughtful input into the development of this plan.

Major events in the strategic planning process include the following:

September 10, 2009: A strategic planning workshop, convened in conjunction with a meeting of the NCCAM Advisory Council, considered: (1) NCCAM mandate and mission, (2) NCCAM priority setting, and (3) information and communication about CAM research and decisionmaking about CAM use.

September 25, 2009: A wellness workshop considered the state of the science
with regard to measures of psychological, physical, social, and global components of wellness.

October–November 2009: Three draft position papers resulting from the September strategic planning workshop were posted on the NCCAM Web site for public comment.

March 26, 2010: A meeting of the Think Tank on Natural Products focused on the state of the science and future directions for research in this area.

April 26–27, 2010: A workshop on control/comparison groups focused on the design of clinical trials of nonpharmacological interventions.

May 10–11, 2010: A workshop on back pain considered the current status of the science and future needs for research on better strategies for diagnosis and treatment.

May 10–28, 2010: Background papers on back pain and natural products were posted on the NCCAM Web site for public comment.

June 3, 2010: A strategic planning meeting on gaps and opportunities in health behavior research was convened in conjunction with a meeting of the NCCAM Advisory Council.

August 30–September 30, 2010: The draft strategic plan was posted on the NCCAM Web site for public comment.

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National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

National Institutes of Health

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

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