You Have the Power Awareness Campaigns

You Have the Power

You Have the Power (YHTP) campaigns help Federal agencies reach energy-saving goals by raising awareness about renewable energy, energy efficiency, and water efficiency at Federal facilities.

Campaign materials spotlight work done by agency personnel and provide materials and ideas for energy awareness activities, campaigns, and partnerships. Materials include:

  • Energy Champions: Individuals leading by example in Federal energy, water, and fleet management.

  • Energy Projects: Federal projects recognized for leadership across renewable energy, energy efficiency, and water efficiency at the facility level.

About You Have the Power

FEMP's You Have the Power awareness campaign was created in 1997 to implement the provisions of The National Energy Conservation Policy Act as amended by the Energy Policy Act and energy provisions of Executive Order 13423. These statutory and executive branch requirements encourage Federal agencies to develop employee awareness and outreach programs.

Twenty Federal agencies participate in YHTP campaign activities, and each has a special coordinator who directs the national campaign for his or her agency. The campaign disseminates timely and topical information through handouts, posters, special publications, and other targeted outreach materials.

If your Federal agency is interested in becoming a part of the YHTP campaign, please contact your agency coordinator.