Monday, March 29, 2010

Denver and the Children

Hey Guys! I missed you all! I am in Denver working with the Denver Children's Home (DCH) and it is by far my favorite project ever. There are so many different things to do while at work and most awesome of all, the kids that we work with are absolutely amazing. So good to a point that I have thought about being a counselor or a teaching aide in a school! It’s pretty cool. The kids have so many great qualities it is almost impossible to not become attached with them. Whenever I am in the Denver area in the future, I would love to visit the home and work with the children. The school is on spring break, actually I think the whole district is on break, since DCH is a part of the education system. Anyway, while they are gone, we have the opportunity to be a part of something at DCH that will help these kids out soo much. They have been doing renovations to the right wing of the building and we have been helping them out with tasks that would've otherwise taken them forever to complete! So far we gathered books around the building for the library and alphabetized them and put them into three categories, moved furniture, picked up trash, washed windows, and did a few other things that needed to be completed. Before the break, the kids here at DCH were taking an examination all week called the CSAP (Colorado Student Assessment Program) and I was with 11th and 12th graders. It was pretty cool. This project makes me soo happy! I am happy to come to work everyday (even if it means waking up at 5:30) and help out doing something that I love.

I did however title this blog Denver and the Children and I must talk about Denver. Denver is amazing! I can't believe how interchanging Denver weather is! One minute the weather is 70 degrees and the next minute, we have extreme blizzards!!! I guess that's what they call spring in the Rockies!!! I have been to a couple different activities here in Denver. For example, I went to a Michael Buble Concert!!! It was the most amazing show ever! He has an AMAZING voice and he's funny too!!! I am also planning for my spring break to take a visit to Aspen, Colorado to go on some skiing excursions. I can't wait!! Our last day of work before vacation is this Thursday! I AM SO PUMPED!

Ha, one of the other things I did this week was go on a 'raw diet'. A raw diet consists of eating nothing other than raw uncooked fruits and vegetables and drinking lots of water. It is designed to boost your energy and immune system I believe. Either way, my love for culinary delights led me to leave the competition after 48 hours. I only consumed the diet foods for breakfast and lunch. So it wasn’t something that I needed to do at that moment. I needed energy! After all, the kids at DCH keep me on my toes!!! I played two hours of kickball and also played two hours of Life (they were separate days) with them!!! I signed up to be apart of a Connect Four competition after break! Isn't that awesome? I can't wait to play. As for my shuffle team!!!! I am so amazed to how great the team dynamics are with this team! Everyone is soo amazing I almost want to adopt them and add them to my original team! I do miss my team however, terribly! We are a unique group, but we love each other. That's what's important. Anyhow, I must rest up, as I must wake up early to take care if some work at DCH before the electrician arrives. Talk to you all later!!!



  1. I'd look into this project more. Thanks for sharing.
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  2. I have such fond memories of my training at Denver Children's Home. It's a non-profit agency that provides residential and day-treatment services to kids with histories of physical and sexual abuse, neglect, and exposure to community and domestic violence. The clinicians do fabulous work here and support families with very few resources, but great needs.
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  3. They need money to keep doing such difficult and phenomenal work. so please support your local non-profits and Denver Children's Home so they can continue to support communities.

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  4. I think they have s tab for your donations online. You can also check that out.
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  5. Philanthropy plays a big role in the operations of organizations like this.
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  6. Denver Children's Home provides a therapeutic, safe place for emotionally distressed children, adolescents, and their families to heal and grow.

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  7. It'll be great if all of us would participate on this project. It'll really help a lot of children in Denver.

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  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Denver Children's Home sees in every child an opportunity for health and healing. We provide a therapeutic, safe place for emotionally distressed children.

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