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Open-File Report 2004-1401—ONLINE ONLY

Water-Quality and Amphibian Population Data for Maryland, 
Washington, D.C., and Virginia, 2001-2004

By Karen C. Rice and Robin E. Jung


Data on the chemical composition of water and on amphibian populations were collected at least
annually from vernal pool and stream sites in Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Virginia, from 2001
through 2004. The data were collected as part of long-term monitoring projects of the Northeast
Region of the Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative (ARMI) of the U.S. Geological Survey. 
Water samples were analyzed for temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved-oxygen
concentration, acid-neutralizing capacity, and concentrations of total Kjeldahl nitrogen and total
phosphorus; in 2004, samples also were analyzed for nitrite plus nitrate concentrations and total
nitrogen concentrations. Field and laboratory analytical results of water samples and quality-assurance
information are presented. Amphibian population data include the presence of amphibian species and
the maximum number of egg masses of wood frogs and spotted salamanders at vernal pools, and
counts of amphibians made during stream transect and stream quadrat surveys.


     Purpose and Scope
     Description of Study Areas
Collection and Analysis of Samples
     Field Data-Collection Methods
     Laboratory Analysis Methods
     Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Water-Quality and Amphibian Population Data
References Cited

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Last modified: Thursday, September 01 2005, 04:49:09 PM
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