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Fiscal: Topics



Explore strategies for cost allocation plans and logical ways to allocate shared costs across different funding streams. Learn about administrative cost limitations and DAB decisions affecting cost allocation.



Learn how to prepare grant applications, elements of refunding applications, and community assessments. Keep abreast of funding opportunities, applying for a DUNS number, and registering with the CCR.



Examine how management systems and procedures are part of every Head Start and Early Head Start program’s ongoing and organized approach to implementing program services. Learn about insurance for volunteers, staff, and children; fair labor standards; risk management; asset building, budgets, wage comparability; and management initiatives.


Reports and Records

Examine requirements for financial reporting, record-keeping, monitoring, record access and retention.

Reports and Records

Appeals and Designation Renewal

Review the process and procedures for appeals, suspension, termination, and designation renewal for compliance with the terms and conditions of an award.

Appeals and Redesignation


Review federal regulations governing property including equipment, supplies and inventory, federal interest, property trust relationship, and real and intangible property.


Hot Topics

Non-Federal Share


This narrative provides explanations of difficult fiscal issues regarding non-federal share such as, contributions, disallowances, documentation, in-kind, and volunteer services.


Procurement Management

Signing a Check

The grant policy statement provides guidelines and instructions for managing procurement.


Financial Reporting

Woman with Clipboard

Reporting the financial status in your organization is crucial to good financial management. This section provides authorized financial reporting forms such as SF-425, SF-269A, and SF-270.


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