Special Thanks to TEAM USO!

Over the past 8 weeks, TEAM USO participants have raised $71,000 for the USO2GO Challenge. Your support is truly felt around the world! You’ve written letters, held events and run marathons. You’ve made it happen all to support our troops and their families.

They feel your support and want to thank each and every one of you! Here are just a few notes that we’ve received expressing their gratitude for your efforts:

“… If you’ve ever had a bad day and wondered why you are doing your job, well you should of seen how much horse shoes and bean bag chairs made them feel so happy after they watched their friend die. Keep up the great work and thanks again for helping my men get through this with a little hug from home.”

Troops enjoying items from USO2GO shipments

“Wow!! You guys at the USO are truly blessing from GOD, we received some items today and the look on the soldiers’ faces as they help unload the truck was worth more than words could describe. We have TV’s and we are now waiting for a few more items to arrive and we will have a Grand Opening and will send tons of pictures. I really can’t thank you enough.”

Troops enjoying items from USO2GO shipments

“Soldiers utilized the empty USO boxes and created their own version of Iron Man, we also had a karaoke contest, and an X-Box 360 tournament. Little things like this is what keep the Soldiers mind clear before they go and do the dangerous job that they do. Just like I told you before our living conditions are not like the Soldiers living at bigger installations, but this USO package is a tremendous tool to keep the Soldiers motivated, and relax. Thank you for what you do.”

You make our mission possible to achieve.  The brave men and women serving our country are going to enjoy some comforts of home during the holidays because of your great efforts. More families will be able to hear the voice of their deployed family member because the funds you raised. More troops will have games and other ways to relax because of what you’ve accomplished.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving! – Tracy Tucker, USO Director of Fundraising & Development

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