Curriculum Programs
High School Boy Working in Library
Advanced Placement
Career and Technical Education
Early Childhood Education
English as a Second Language (ESL)
English Language Arts (ELA)
Fine Arts
Gifted Education
Health Education
Host Nation Studies
Information Centers
Physical Education
Social Studies
Special Education
Virtual School Program
World Language

The DoDEA Curriculum, Assessment and Program Evaluation Cycle

The Curriculum Renewal Process assures that each curriculum and program area is evaluated, adapted, and developed on a continuing basis in accordance with a Program Evaluation Plan. The renewal process occurs over several years and focuses on:

  1. review of curriculum standards and instructional practices
  2. program alignment to the goals of the Community Strategic Plan
  3. collection and analysis of student assessment data to identify targets of curricular and instructional improvement
  4. national trends, current research, and a vision for curriculum excellence.

The Advanced Acquisition Plan provides the required guidelines for developing a schedule for acquisition milestones, conducting market research, creating a technical proposal evaluation, writing a statement of work and conducting the technical review of materials.

The Education Directorate has worked to: 

  1. streamline and automate the process
  2. enhance market research/needs assessment
  3. develop the most accurate inter-governmental cost estimates
  4. ensure timely reconciliation of contracts and budgets throughout the fiscal year.

Through better tracking and providing curriculum coordinators greater support in the contracting process, the Education Directorate has dramatically reduced the time required to evaluate vendor proposals and respond to contracting inquiries as well as increased accuracy for all phases of contract and ordering processes.