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March 1, 2013 The fourteenth Argo Steering Team meeting will be hosted by NIWA in Wellington, New Zealand, 18-21, March 2013
Updated Agenda & attendee list posted
February 7, 2013 Argo bibliography and Argo in press updated.
Inform of changes.
January 10, 2013 New version of the Argo Brochure celebrating 1,000,000 temperature/salinity profiles designed to be posted electronically
December 20, 2012 Argo picture page updated with new schematics of the Argo float cycle, a new rotating globe animation, and a link to the new map page on the AIC website
December 6, 2012 Argo Brochure celebrating 1,000,000 temperature/salinity profiles
November 29, 2012 Howard Freeland wins Prix d'Excellence Award
November 27, 2012 4th Argo Science Workshop Summary posted
August 26, 2012 Argonautics Newsletter published
August 6, 2012 Press release for Southern Ocean carbon storage paper in Nature Geoscience
June 15, 2012 Argo float of the month is published
Riding the Canary deep Poleward Undercurrent (CdPU)

April 10, 2012 The Lady Amber makes the news with an article and video
April 7, 2010 Advice on pressure biases in the Argo data set

What is Argo?

Argo is a globalarray of 3,000 free-drifting profiling floats that measures thetemperature and salinity of the upper 2000 m of the ocean.  This allows, for the first time, continuous monitoring of thetemperature, salinity, and velocity of the upper ocean, with all databeing relayed and made publicly available within hours aftercollection.

Positions of the floats that have delivered data within the last 30 days (AIC, updated daily):

Why do we need Argo?

We are increasingly concerned about global change and its regional impacts. Sea level is rising at an accelerating rate of 3 mm/year, Arctic sea ice cover is shrinking and high latitude areas are warming rapidly. Extreme weather events cause loss of life and enormous burdens on the insurance industry. Globally, 8 of the 10 warmest years since 1860, when instrumental records began, were in the past decade.

These effects are caused by a mixture of long-term climate change and natural variability. Their impacts are in some cases beneficial (lengthened growing seasons, opening of Arctic shipping routes) and in others adverse (increased coastal flooding, severe droughts, more extreme and frequent heat waves and weather events such as severe tropical cyclones).

Understanding (and eventually predicting) changes in both the atmosphere and ocean are needed to guide international actions, to optimize governments' policies and to shape industrial strategies. To make those predictions we need improved models of climate and of the entire earth system (including socio-economic factors).

Lack of sustained observations of the atmosphere, oceans and land have hindered the development and validation of climate models. An example comes from a recent analysis which concluded that the currents transporting heat northwards in the Atlantic and influencing western European climate had weakened by 30% in the past decade. This result had to be based on just five research measurements spread over 40 years. Was this change part of a trend that might lead to a major change in the Atlantic circulation, or due to natural variability that will reverse in the future, or is it an artifact of the limited observations?

In 1999, to combat this lack of data, an innovative step was taken by scientists to greatly improve the collection of observations inside the ocean through increased sampling of old and new quantities and increased coverage in terms of time and area.

That step was Argo.

Argo animationargo.avi is a float animation that explains the purpose and method of Argo.

Where is Argo now?

Argo deployments began in 2000 and by November 2007 the array is 100% complete. Today's tally offloats is shown in the figure above. While the Argo array is currently complete at 3000 floats, to be maintained at that level, national commitments need to provide about 800 floats per year. Additionally, Argo continues to work toward global ocean coverage. Frequently, even with the 3000 float target achieved, more floats are needed because some areas of the ocean are over populated while others have gaps that need to be filled with additional floats.

Besides float deployment, Argo has workedhard to develop two separate data streams: real time and delayed mode. A real time data delivery and qualitycontrol system has been established that delivers 90% of profiles to users via two global data centerswithin 24 hours. A delayed mode quality control system (DMQC) has been established and 60% of all eligible profiles have had DMQC applied.

Float reliability has improved each year and the float lifetime has been extended. Argo has developed a large user community in universities, government labs and meteorological/climateanalysis/forecasting centers. The need for global Argo observations will continue indefinitely into the future, though the technologies and design of the array will evolve as better instruments are built, models are improved, and more is learned about ocean variability.

Who Collaborates with Argo?

Argo is a major contributor to the WCRP'sClimate Variability and Predictability Experiment (CLIVAR) project and tothe Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE). The Argo array is part of the GlobalClimate Observing System/Global Ocean Observing System GCOS/GOOS).

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