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Welcome To Brewster Middle PE



Intramural Update:  Softball and coed weight training will begin after Spring Break..


Our Goal: We want all of our students to become physically fit through a variety of activities that will promote a healthy lifestyle in a safe environment.

To achieve this goal we have a few requirements:

Dressing out: Students are required to dress out in athletic apparel for PE.

- They need to have a white or gray T-shirt and black or dark blue shorts or sweatpants.

*Students are not allowed to wear that day's school clothes to PE.

-Tennis shoes are a must. No dress shoes, hiking boots, sandals, slip-ons, or skater shoes are allowed. Shoes must be able to be laced up and tied tightly.

-Participation is always a requirement in class. Skill level is not graded, emphasis is on participtation and effort.

Other Info

We offer after school sports activities in our Intramurals Program. Please check out the link to the right to see sports offered and schedule.

At Brewster Middle, PE also requires time in the classroom for the Health curriculum. Please check out our Health page by the link to the right.

If you're interested in the activities we offer in class, check out our activities page via the link to the right.



Intramural Schedule


Health Page


Activities Offered in PE


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