U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, October 13, 2011
CONTACT: Ian Koski at 202-224-4216

Senator Coons calls for coordinated national energy review

Joins bipartisan group of senators in saying an energy strategy is necessary for U.S. economic competitiveness and security

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.), a member of the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee, joined Senators Mark Pryor (D-Ark.), Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Mark Begich (D-Alaska), and Jon Tester (D-Mont.) today in introducing legislation to develop a coordinated national energy strategy for meeting America’s energy needs.

The Quadrennial Energy Review Act of 2011 authorizes a high-level, government-wide working group to submit a comprehensive review of current domestic capabilities and future energy needs, as well as the resources, technologies, and policy recommendations to meet them.  The first Quadrennial Energy Review (QER) would be submitted to Congress by February 1, 2014, and every four years thereafter.  The reviews will offer a strategic roadmap to drive innovation in domestic energy sources in order to decrease our dependence on foreign oil and improve economic competitiveness and security in the United States.

The proposal is modeled after the highly regarded Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), a legislatively mandated review of defense strategy and priorities. According to the Department of Defense (DoD), QDRs set a long-term course for DoD as it assesses the changing threats and challenges that the nation faces. It allows DoD to re-balance its strategies, capabilities, and forces to address today’s conflicts and tomorrow’s threats.

"Leadership in energy innovation is critical to America’s long-term economic competitiveness," Senator Coons said. "A quadrennial review of our energy strategy will yield a balanced, integrated assessment of our national energy policies and will strengthen our path forward. It is time for Congress to put aside partisan debates and embark, as a nation, on a path that creatively and efficiently meets our energy needs. This bill will help us do that." 

“Our energy capabilities will continue to impact economic growth. That’s why we need to fully assess where we are now and where we need to be in the future,” Senator Pryor said. “This review will provide us with a roadmap for developing a national energy plan, along with the jobs created through innovation and the security that domestic energy can provide to our nation.” Senator Pryor is the lead sponsor of the bill.

“The Quadrennial Energy Review provides a framework for balancing our country’s energy technology goals with its economic, environmental and security priorities,” Senator Bingaman said. “I’m glad to co-sponsor this bill -- the product of input from a diverse mix of public and private groups – because it will lay out a foundation for developing a more effective and cohesive national energy policy.” Senator Bingamen is chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

“Energy is critical to almost everything we do, and the federal government has implemented a wide variety of subsidies, regulations, and mandates in this area over the years,” Senator Murkowski said. “Despite this, we have fallen short in evaluating how effective our policies have been.  There is no regular assessment of whether our policies can be consolidated, improved or repealed. That’s why it makes sense to develop a coordinated, long-term strategy to help guide and review our policymaking efforts.” Senator Murkowski is the ranking member of the Energy & Natural Resources Committee

“Our nation needs an energy plan, plain and simple, and this is a good step in that direction,” Senator Begich said. “This bill will help focus our limited dollars on the right types of technologies across a range of energy sources and efficiencies. Alaska has enormous energy potential, let’s identify the best ways to go about tapping into it and get to work.”

“A clear, long-term plan for our energy future will create jobs and lead our nation toward energy independence,” Senator Tester said.  “This bill is an important step in developing that plan, and I hope the Senate passes this common-sense bill as soon as possible.”

Margot Anderson, Executive Director of the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Energy Project, added, “A QER that develops analysis-based, government-wide energy goals and fosters better coordination across Federal agencies would be of great value to investors, producers, and consumers and would help put the U.S. on the right track toward addressing our long-term energy and environmental challenges.”

“The U.S. needs a national strategy to create and win the global $2.3 trillion clean energy race and grow energy sector jobs here at home. The creation of a Quadrennial Energy Review is a significant step to accomplish this. We are pleased to see such strong leadership from the Senate on this important issue,” said Robert Walther, Senior Energy Advisor of the Third Way Organization. 

