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OPIC’s profit per employee totals $1.2 million in 2012

December 14, 2012

Earlier this week, OPIC reported strong financial results for Fiscal Year 2012, including net income of $272 million, and a 30 percent increase in financial commitments to American businesses investing in emerging markets abroad. The fact that these results were achieved with a full-time staff of just 220 underscores the efficiency of OPIC’s operation. The agency’s profit-per-employee in 2012 worked
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Featured photo: Affordable, sustainable homes in Liberia

August 17, 2012

Housing construction at the site of Broad Cove Ecohomes, Liberia outside of Monrovia. Broad Cove is using an OPIC loan to build moderately-priced houses in a region where affordable housing is virtually nonexistent. Broad Cove is using renewable and locally-sourced materials including bricks made from compressed earth and cement which will keep the houses naturally cool.  

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Featured photo: Recycled paper manufacturing plant in Lagos, Nigeria

July 06, 2012

A Bel Papyrus Ltd. paper manufacturing plant in Lagos, Nigeria, one of the few plants in the country where paper is recycled. OPIC is providing financing in a deal to expand a new production line that will double the plant’s capacity and significantly expand its ability to produce paper from recycled materials. Used paper is sorted, shredded and baled before
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Six questions about impact investing

June 05, 2012

By: Mitchell L. Strauss, Special Advisor Socially Responsible Finance Investors are increasingly talking about “Impact Investing,” but the practice is not new to OPIC, which has a 40-year history of transforming private capital into solutions for common social and environmental challenges around the world. This Q&A explains the concept of Impact Investing, and why it offers the potential for such strong
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OPIC’s Monthly News Wrap-Up: March 2012

March 29, 2012

We frequently share the important pieces of journalism we find on our Facebook and Twitter feeds. Starting this month, we will also begin recapping on our blog some of the stories we consider most important to helping solve critical development challenges. This month there has been increased discussion over ways to encourage more economic development in Afghanistan in order to
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Renewable energy: “A seismic economic opportunity”

August 05, 2011

John Morton, Vice President of Investment Policy at OPIC recently spoke at the Asia Clean Energy Forum, where he described the worldwide transition to cleaner forms of energy as “perhaps the most predictable economic transformation in modern history.” Here Morton details the environmental, economic and social benefits of renewable energy and discusses OPIC’s efforts to expand its presence in the
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Food is a renewable resource

July 12, 2011

Last month, OPIC approved nearly $500 million for five renewable resource private equity funds, easily surpassing a pledge OPIC President and CEO Elizabeth Littlefield made at the 2010 U.N. Climate Change Conference, to provide at least $300 million for private equity investment in renewables. The five funds, which were selected from 56 funds that responded to OPIC’s call for proposals,
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