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US/ICOMOS fosters heritage conservation and historic preservation at the national and international levels through education and training, international exchanges of people and information, technical assistance, documentation, advocacy and other activities consistent with the goals of ICOMOS and through collaboration with other organizations.

World Heritage Convention & ICOMOS

UNESCO World Heritage

ICOMOS has special responsibility as adviser to UNESCO on cultural World Heritage sites.

18th April 2009, International Day for Monuments and Sites

This year’s theme is “Heritage and Science”:

Two Awards for Gustavo Araoz, President of ICOMOS

Photo from http://icomoschile.blogspot.com/2008/10/nuevas-autoridades-16-asamblea-general.htmlGustavo Araoz, President of ICOMOS and former executive director of US/ICOMOS, has recently received two awards honoring his achievements and dedication to the field of Historic Preservation:

International Exchange Program

USICOMOS International Exchange ProgramSince the US/ICOMOS International Exchange Program was created in 1984, more than 600 young preservation professionals and over 70 countries have participated.

Welcome to the new US/ICOMOS website and forum!

As you can see, we have been very busy at US/ICOMOS over the past few months working to upgrade our website and the information services we provide to the cultural conservation community. Among the many new features we hope you will useful are:

International Community Reacts to Earthquake in the Abruzzo

The International Committee of the Blue Shield (ICBS), of which ICOMOS is a founding member, released a statement expressing its sorrow and solidarity with the Italian people for the loss of lives and the destruction caused by an earthquake which took place on Monday 6 April in the Abruzzo region in Italy.

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This site sponsored by the National Center for Preservation Technology & Training.
Copyright © 2008 US/ICOMOS